BOLOGNA – “war is always a useless massacre, is against the man. With prayer and solidarity with all who suffer in many parts of the world, we want to give our contribution to building bridges of peace”. Thus reads the appeal of peace that the representatives of the different religions have read in Bologna after a minute of silence in memory of the victims of violence and wars. In a square More crowded, with about 4 thousand faithful, and the access regulated for safety reasons, it is concluded, so the manifestation of ‘Bridges of peace’, organised by the Community of Sant’egidio.

“people are afraid because they do not speak to each other. Are separated. I came here tonight with hope, we need to be bridges of peace. We are the hope of this world”. He said, in piazza Maggiore, Bologna, Bernice King, a baptist pastor and daughter of Martin Luther King.

“Bridges of peace” in Bologna: the faces, the square, the embrace between the religious
Three days full of meetings, seminars and appointments. An open site to talk about the future, of peace and of the care of the planet. At the end of the prayers of the religions pray in different places, a procession, punctuated by the sound of bells, has led the representatives of the confessions in front of San Petronio. “We are the keepers of our brother and our sister – said bishop Matteo Maria Zuppi, the archbishop of Bologna – peace is not a heroic gesture, and then go back to sleep with the indifference. Peace is not even a deal for the gullible. On the contrary, it is naive optimism of those who do not want to see. The bridges require patience, time and ability system, courage and much love.”

After him, Marco Impagliazzo, the president of the Community of Sant’egidio, has summed up the meaning of the event: “we See these religious communities in a tight fraternal bond, freed from the old opposition or the new temptations to fight. Not the one against the other, but on the way of the future: without fear because to be together, to turn to God, prayer open our hearts to a way of peace.”