Pollution weakens the bones and increases the risk of osteoporosis. This was revealed in a study conducted by epidemiologists of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) on more than 3,700 people in India. The research was published in the journal Jama Network Open: epidemiologists have compared the quality of mass, and bone density of the participants with the levels of pollution the average of the respective areas of residence, in particular as levels of fine particles (the fine particles of a diameter of 2.4 nanometers or less). Well, it was a clear connection between pollution levels and bone mass, which appeared to be reduced with the increase of the concentrations of particulate matter in the area of residence of the participants.

“This study helps to fill a gap in the research on pollution and bone health – supports Otavio Ranzani, first author of the work – The inhalation of particles of pollutants may lead to loss of bone mass through oxidative stress and inflammation caused by the smog”.

“our results indicate that fine particles are relevant for the health of the bones at different levels of pollution, including concentrations that are normally found in western countries,” he added Cathryn Tonne, coordinator of the study.

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