The government took two more days before the summit on justice, and on the stop the prescription after the first instance (the appointment had been pushed back to January 9). Action and + Europe have fallen instead puntalmente in the square, with a garrison in front of Montecitorio. With Carlo Calenda Action, Benedetto Della Vedova of +Europe) and Emma Bonino. And the appointment, came the news that Riccardo Magi + Europe) will present an amendment to the decree “Milleproroghe” right on the prescription.

The theme dividends the majority as roma, with the 5stars that defend the reform desired by Bonafede – entry into force on the first of January – and the Pd and Italia Living that they want to introduce changes, fearing that processes infinite (Iv has even voted an order of the day of Forza Italia who rejects the norm). But the compromise in the majority, was not found.