Do not retain for itself, “not even a delegation”, and it will involve in the government of the Region “people who represent excellence in the field of which they are called to deal with”. A change “radical” started already with the composition of the lists, that will come, in which “there will be representatives of the parties”. The said Pippo Callipo , during an initiative campaign entitled “one Hundred questions for Foo” in Feroleto Antico (Catanzaro).

“I Understand the mistrust of the people – said in a Callipo – but I’m free and for me to speak my story, I always went ahead without asking anyone any favors”. Then the announcement: “I Renounce from now to the allowance of the charge from the president of the Region, which will be destined to a fund for the social.” The call-and-response with the M5s Said, then, that “a good part of the 5 Stars are with us, they are a lot closer to us”. Ideas, he continued, Callipo – “are the same, then I remember that I have contributed to the election of a single under-secretary in calabria to the government, Anna Laura Orrico, and the election of Ferrara and the european Parliament. My move I Rest in Calabria and was born a few months before the 5 Star Movement, and many ideas are shared. It has not made the covenant, but – he said that the candidate for governor – many cinquestellini will be with us the same.”

Words, however, which reacts to the deputy 5s Paul related in a note clarifies: “Us 5 Stars we are not at all with Callipo, because the entrepreneur, who has demonstrated understanding of the policy as if it were his personal farm, has not barred the door to the old ’tools’ of the palace and the bureaucracy of regional; for example, Carletto Guccione, Flora Sculco and Sergio Arena, the former general director of the Asp of Crotone, appointed, confirmed, favorite and award-winning from his sponsors on the political, Mario Oliverio (governor Pd outgoing, ndr)”. And he concludes: “it Is serious in his fall style when, in his euphoric outputs, tried to put the sticker on the nomination of Anna Laura Orrico as under-secretary of State, and on the re-election of Ferrara, only due to their political work, as a member of the european parliament”.

Ready, the rejoinder of Callipo: “I”, adds the entrepreneur – I never said to have ‘contributed’ to any appointment of the government. I have spoken, and once again, of ‘election,’ because I simply said he had voted in the past for some members calabresi of the M5S who now have jobs in government and sit in the european parliament”.
The relationship with the Pd With the secretary of the Pd’s Nicola Zingaretti, who will return in Calabria on 8 January, “has created – he added – a political relationship but also human, of friendship, because he has understood what is my dream for this region and wants to help me achieve it”. And today Zingaretti, together with the commissioner of the Pd in Calabria Stefano Graziano and Nicholas Oddati, national coordinator for the south, has written a letter to the registered dem of calabria: the vote of The 26th of January represents a watershed important for the ransom of Calabria, we read in the appeal – The democratic Party, the centre-left united forces, the civic coalition have demonstrated courage, keeping faith with the commitment to renewal and change, also overcoming divisions and controversies”.

“With the humility and responsibility, they added, – we have decided to support the authoritative application to the governor of Pippo Callipo, the entrepreneur that wins and never gives up, an expression of Calabria, who resists and who is to be born again to work on the present and allow the future generations to have the concrete opportunity to not be forced to leave their land. As the democratic Party we made a healthy self-criticism, questioned in equilibrium. Thanks to everyone’s contribution, we have made difficult choices in the phase composition of the lists, demonstrating with the facts to embody the demand for change that comes from the calabria”.

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