the ROME – Not as an act of charity but a real change, capable of transforming some life-saving drugs from luxury goods into the treatments accessible and affordable, push the pharmaceutical industry to invest in medicinal products deemed to be less profitable. It is the wish for 2020 of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), formulated in 5 different wishes regarding Tuberculosis resistant to drugs, insulin, HIV, pneumonia and Ebola, enclosed from the common and biggest hope that all the people of the world are able to receive the care they need.


best Treatment available for all . Thirty years ago, when MSF started to treat people with tuberculosis resistant to the drugs, there were in circulation only the old drugs ineffective, causing serious side effects to patients. Today, after years of awareness-raising campaigns alongside the global community to the TB, we care better and safer for the people suffering from tuberculosis resistant to the drugs even if the pharmaceutical companies have imposed such a high price on individual medicinal products to make them too expensive for those who need it. These drugs were not developed by sun pharmaceutical companies: they are the result of years of work by researchers, clinicians and health professionals, mainly financed with public funds. However, policies on pricing and access to drugs remain under the control of the pharmaceutical companies that leave many people suffering from tuberculosis are excluded from life-saving treatment. In 2020, as members of the global community to the TB, we want to claim the right to have a say on who has access to the new treatments for tuberculosis.


A drug that must be made accessible again. scientists have discovered the insulin a hundred years ago received the Nobel Prize for medicine for their discovery, but also for their choice to sell the rights to the drug to only 1 dollar, in the spirit of making the treatment accessible to all those who had need. But in the course of the last century, three companies control almost exclusively the market of the insulin and, in abuse of their monopoly position, they have increased the prices in some countries, year after year. Today, more than half of the people who need the drug fails in practice to benefit. In 2020, we hope to see other manufacturers can provide insulin of quality at the most affordable prices. We also need to find new ways to make accessible to our patients and innovative solutions for the use of insulin, such as pens, insulin. These are tools that make a huge difference in the lives of the people.


Are drugs for pediatric patients. Twenty years ago, people in developing countries were dying of AIDS because they were not able to pay up to $ 10,000 a year for the necessary treatment (video-animation on HIV). The team of MSF, determined to fight this injustice, they used all means possible to ensure the drugs to the people. Today, almost 25 million people live with HIV in good health and follow a cure at a price of only 65 dollars a year. But children with HIV have been forgotten: there is no commercial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to invest specifically in the treatment of pediatric, from the moment in which the young patients infected with hiv live in developing countries where you cannot afford the purchase of medicines so dear. The result is that children born with HIV in the communities where we work MSF does not have access to the care they would need. In 2020, the MSF will continue to put pressure on the pharmaceutical industry, which puts profits before people when it comes to investing in new drugs, to treat children more effectively, with combined treatments adapted specifically to their needs.


Vaccine accessible to children all over the world. Every 39 seconds a child dies of pneumonia, despite there being an effective vaccine against this dangerous and deadly disease (video-animation, pneumonia). A time that is inaccessible in many developing countries, today the vaccine is distributed in the poorer countries thanks to donor financing. Millions of children who live in middle-income countries do not have access to vaccination because it is economically out of the reach of these were considered to be not “sufficiently poor” to receive funding. These are children dying for a preventable illness just because their countries can’t afford to buy the vaccine. In 2020, we would like to see deleted this terrible injustice and unnecessary suffering. The new vaccine manufacturers of developing countries, who have created versions more cost-effective, they must be supported to ensure that the vaccine is provided to governments all over the world, and we can save more lives.


Treatments and vaccines for the people who need it. for about forty years, Ebola (video animation on Ebola) is a deadly disease, but in spite of this for a long time was ignored by the manufacturers of the drugs that have considered the development of vaccines or treatments to fight the virus are not commercially advantageous. The epidemic in west Africa in 2014 has changed the scenario: what before had been considered by wealthy countries as a “problem” relating to only some areas of Africa, had assumed the dimension of a global threat. This has prompted the international community to move, and so today there are treatments and vaccines already available or coming soon. In 2020, the MSF will work to ensure that people in the countries most at risk timely access to new medicines and vaccines at an affordable price. These products are born through a considerable research and development effort on the part of multiple actors, funded almost entirely through public funding and not private investment. That’s why we believe that we have a say on who has access to these treatments.

The main challenges. The access to treatment for HIV and TB, as well as the dissemination of the vaccine against the Ebola, are among the main challenges of the Campaign for Access to Medicines MSF since 1999, and it acts to break down the barriers to political, economic and legal, that prevent people from receiving the treatments they need. More information.

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