the ROME – , An increase of approximately 700 thousand euro, to the income of the chairman of the Board Giuseppe Conte . And’ what is the declaration of the income of 2019, published on the website of the parliament. The premier said, in fact, for 2018 with a taxable income equal to 1.155.229 million. In the previous year, however, the income declared by the Count was of 370.014 euro. An increase, therefore, of approximately 700 thousand euro. Count attests that there were no “changes” in “relationship to the last declaration”: this means that, being the owner of a building in Rome, probably his private house, and a Jaguar vintage, model XJ6, registered in ’96. The increase of the tax base, explain the sources of Palazzo Chigi to Reuters, is due to the fact that when the Count has assumed the position of president of the Council has had to close all orders pending and issuing invoices, and, therefore, has a turnover in just one year, the amounts that otherwise would have been diluted in the course of time.

Almost 800 thousand euro. So much is the amount of the taxable income declared by the Matteo Renzi in 2019 and relates to the tax period in 2018. Sifting his latest income tax returns filed in Parliament and published on-line, it turns out, in fact, that the leader of ‘Italia Living’, became a senator to the latest policies, has gained 796mila 281 euro, compared to 29mila 315 euro feel the year tax previous. More than 700 thousand euros more in your wallet in a year. Renzi has signed his ‘declaration for the advertising of the balance sheet’ on December 8 last. In the document, the founder of Iv states that “in relation to the last statement presented” are made some ‘changes’: the sale, on the 27th of may, of “two units” in Pontassieve, province of Florence, of which he had the “possession 50%”, or, refer in his entourage, the house and the tavern annexed; the liquidation of the ‘Digistart ltd’ with headquarters in Florence, which saw the former premier shareholder with a share of 10 thousand euro.

The leader of Forza Italy Silvio Berlusconi said in 2019 with a taxable income of 48.022.126 million. This is income received in 2018 and presented to the 16 October 2019. Compared to the previous year, the figure is substantially unchanged. The former minister of the Pa Giulia Bongiorno said in 2019 with a taxable income of 2.403.772 million. This is income received in 2018, presented on 19 December 2019. Compared to the previous year, the stated income is in decline, since, for 2017, the senator of the League had presented a total amount of approximately euro 2.8 million. According to the document published on the website of the Parliament, Bongiorno has sold 2500 shares of Cerved Information Solutions 1312 of Poste Italiane and 13 thousand of the Triad.

Dario Franceschini help the “ranking” of the income of the government. The minister of cultural Heritage, in fact, turns out to be the most ‘rich’ among the servants of Count II, with a taxable income in 2018, equal to 200.767 euro. And’ what is from the declaration of income published on the website of the parliament. With respect to the statement of income of the previous year, Franceschini has sold the building to the daughters site in the municipality of Ferrara and the wife 50% of a property in Rome. Tail between the ministers, the holder of the european Business, Enzo Amendola , that in 2018, has a taxable income of 45.753 euro.Then the minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese , with 160.876 euro of taxable income in addition to co-ownership of 7 buildings in Rome, Power and Milan-in shares and derivatives in the 4 companies to be in possession of a Toyota AyGo.

Then the minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede , with 153. 832 euro, the co-ownership of a building in Florence and a Mercedes b-class. There is then the holder of the Defense, Lorenzo Guerini , with 131.914 euro. The minister of Labour and social policy, Nunzia Catalfo , with 115.290 euro. The minister of the Environment, Sergio Costa , with 104.271 that report as the change compared to 2018 for the purchase of a Bmw Mini-Cooper replacement for a Mercedes a class. To follow the holder of the Economy and finances, Roberto Gualtieri , which declares a taxable income of 104.134 (resulting from the activities of mep), and the property is a building in Rome, and a Citroen C4. Under 100 thousand euros, for a little, the minister for regional affairs and autonomies, Francesco Boccia , with 99.643 euro and the property of a building of 100 square meters, Rome, is one of 120 sqm in Bisceglie and a Toyota AYgo. Following the minister of the Pa, Fabiana Dadone , with taxable income of 98.471 euro, arising from employment. The minister of relations with Parliament, Federico D’inca , declare 95.863 euros, while the minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova , 94.445 euros, and compared to last year, informs to have bought a Passat and have sold 50% of a property in San Cataldo that he had with his brother

Almost one hundred thousand euros. And’ as stated in 2019 from the leader of the Fratelli d’italia Giorgia Meloni . According to the most recent income statement, which was signed on 7 October 2019 and for the year 2018, the parliamentary presented on a taxable income of 97mila 145 euro. In the document, published on the website of the Room, Meloni states that “no change in assets is stepped in relation to the last statement filed and published in 2018. And of 70.173 euro the stated income instead from Matteo Salvini .

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