The Times inserts Giorgia Meloni , leader of FdI, in the list of 20 characters that may change the year 2020. His name appears in an article entitled “rising Stars: Twenty faces to watch in the year 2020”. In summary, the explanation of the selection: “Some plan for years, the debut on the world stage, others were involved in the current events. In any case, by the end of the year they could all be household names”.

“The Twenty faces that may shape the world in 2020”. The Times bets on emerging artists who will paint in the near future. The only Italian Giorgia Meloni, in a list that has many surprises. Because of the possible protagonists of tomorrow are often very young and still little known. But they may be to take the place of leader seemingly immovable as the 70’s Benyamin Netanyahu in Israel, or the 65-year-old Recep Tayyp Erdogan in Turkey.

As to the United States, the future could be in the hands of a character that begins with B. Because the question is who will get the democratic nomination and challenge president Donald Trump in November: Joe Biden , Peter Buttigieg , Bernie Sanders or Michael Bloomberg .

“When a track is dance music of one of the speeches of Giorgia Meloni has become viral in November, a star is born” – writes the Times – The Dj behind the track, in which Melons cries out repeatedly ‘I’m Giorgia, I’m a woman, I’m a mom, I am a christian’ was meant to be an ironic jab at his own brand of political identity of the extreme right, but the irony is lost in the growing legion of fans of you that have made it a hymn. Now the Party Brothers of Italy of Melons is at 10% in the polls compared to 4.4% in the elections of 2018 and steals votes from the League of Matteo Salvini. Despite his status as a rising star, Meloni was minister Silvio Berlusconi in 2008, and this makes her a skilled veteran”.

company Giorgia Meloni there are Valerie Precresse , the exponent of the policy of the centre-right French that could challenge president Emmanuel Macron to the upcoming presidential elections. But also the heir to the Spanish throne, the princess Leonor , who at just 14 years old, has been able to unite the Spanish speaking with grace even in Catalan. And there are also several young activists: the 19-year-old american David Hoog , escaped mass carnage, with a million followers on Twitter for his battle against the weapons, the 28-year-old Czech Mikulas Milnar , the 32-year-old Jimmy Sham in Hong Kong, and the Russian Yuri Dudd (33 years old) and Yegor Zhukov .

Among the most elderly of the list is the “Machiavelli of the Middle East”, and Qassem Sueiman , head of the al Quds Force, the arm abroad, of the Guards of the iranian Revolution. While the politicians emerging that could unseat the leader navigated, we find the Turkish Ali Babacan , the japanese shinjiro’s Koizumi , israeli Gideon Saar and the German Markus Soder .
The twenty people cited by the Times With Melons, Valerie Pécresse ( governor of Ile-de-France), Christopeher Luxon (former chief executive of Air New Zealand and leader of the national Party (new zealand), David Hogg (the high school girl who humiliates Fox and the lobby pro-weapons), Yegor Zhukov (activist 21-year-old arrested in Moscow), the David Adedeji Adeleke-Davido (singer, songwriter, and record producer of american origins), Princess Leonor (princess of the Asturias, of Gerona and of Viana, duchess of Montblanc, countess of Cervera and lady of Balaguer), Jimmy Sham (coordinator of the pro-democracy movement that in 2014 in Hong Kong gave way to the Movement of the umbrellas) , the Gideon Saar (of israeli policy and was defeated by Netanyahu in the elections of December 2019), Yuri Dud (blogger-YouTube-specialized in interviews with celebrities), Amit Shah (minister of the Interior, indian), shinjiro’s Koizumi, Isabel Schnabel, Mikulas Minar, Markus Soder, Qassem Soleimani, Florence Pugh.

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