The great rejection of Fioramonti has reopened the eternal controversy within the M5s on the returns of the parliamentary pentastellati to the Movement. The resignation by the minister of Education have been transformed, in fact, in yet another showdown within the party, led by Luigi Di Maio. The Motion accuses him of leaving without having refunded because it had about 70 thousand euro. And Gianluigi Comparison, that guide the branch of the right, lists in a video the many colleagues distinguished that they would return part of the salary, as the internal rule, by putting under accusation the minister Fabiana Dadone. In the black list of Comparison appears also the name of the senator from Mario Giarrusso . That now explains why he missed refunds.

“I made the commitment to myself part of the salary and return the fees is not spent, since 2013, the year in which they entered into the Senate as the spokesman of the citizens. I then proceeded to report and return for about 70 months. From January 2019 I have not proceeded more refunds,” writes Giarrusso on Facebook, explaining that he wanted to do, “clarity”: “I have never reneged on our commitments with the Movement and with the citizens, nor intend to abandon the Movement. Simply – said – changed the mechanism of reporting and the new one no longer allows the provision of what is reported. Because of this I have done. I have set aside, by January 2019, the sums that I had to return, to build up a reserve to meet the legal expenses for some of the processes pending against me, arising from my activity of the parliamentary”.

“I, for example, at the time still pending in the criminal process to the post on the blog of Cricket on the rally at the municipality of Agira (En) some years ago. I have also pending is a civil process for a rally in Porto Empedocle and other processes related to my parliamentary work. I have long communicated to the parent and to Beppe Grillo, the reason of my provisions and look to have response to my deductions. In any case, concluded the judicial proceedings, I will report and return the amount put aside” says Giarrusso.

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