Just a few hours on new year’s Eve. Botti and pops will be heard on the 31st at midnight to greet the year 2020. A habit that is a nightmare for most animals. The noise of the barrels, in fact, unleash a reaction of fear and brings them often to lose the orientation, exposing them thus to the risk of loss or investment. In the case of wild animals, and especially birds who live in the vicinity of the urbanized areas, the sudden detonation, and determine the instinctive escape responses of the colonies that rest on the perches at night.

the cats and dogs of security and peace can develop over time, sensitivity to loud noises and sudden, starting to become more and more nervous, until signs of anxiety such as shaking, panting, excessive and ever more desperate attempts to hide.

To protect the animals Lav has compiled a short guide: simple tips to help keep you calm dogs and cats that are not afraid of particularly loud noises, to avoid that the puppies can develop a sensitivity to the barrels, and at the same time provide additional strategies to manage and give relief to the animals that are terrified by the bangs and loud noises in general.

Here is the handbook job to protect the animals:

– Consult in advance with the vet. If you know that your dog or cat becomes especially anxious during this time of the year, the expert will help you find the most appropriate solutions to avoid or reduce the sense of fear or panic in the animal.

– Equip the dog or cat’s microchip and tag with a phone number. Collars and harnesses can come loose or wear out with daily use. Check their integrity.

– If the dog is fearful, use a harness pet fence. Will prove to be invaluable in the event of sudden noises. The microchip is one of the most effective tools we have to bring our friend home. Must be readable and need to be updated with the veterinarian.

– on The 31st of December, at dusk, plan a long walk in the daytime and a fast output

– always Keep the dog on a leash in these days, to avoid areas that are potentially at risk.

– do Not leave for any reason pets unattended outside, even if they are in a cage, even on terraces and balconies or in the garden. The barrels and the flashes of light, sudden can have a devastating effect and bring the animal to escape or to hurt himself in the attempt to do so.

– don’t keep dogs chained, you may strangolarsi.

– Create a quiet and safe area for the four-legged friend, leaving him to decide where to stay. Might be close to their masters, or in his / her usual area of sleep, but also be in the bath or in the basement. You have to make the place chosen to the greatest possible quiet and comfortable. You have to turn on the relaxing music, leaving the games with the food hidden, to discover if and when the dog or cat will be ready to eat. Close well the windows and the taxes, also the flashes, sudden can scare the animals.

– do Not isolate the dog or the cat, not barricarlo or lock it in an area of the house, this could have disastrous results

– Be more tolerant of the usually in the case in which the dog will lick or you need insistently. Some studies have linked attitudes of care to the increase of endorphins in the brain that help to relieve stress.

– Have a serene attitude, if the dog or cat will look you have to be there for him, and give him some play or cuddle, but without insisting, not to exceed the assurances not to increase his concern.

– these Are useful positive associations. If the dog is not terrified by the barrels, or if you have a puppy, in the moment in which they begin the barrels drop to the surprise of the food that he loves in a special way. Each outbreak need to be given the awards with joy. Must create the association of “fireworks = festoon of food, hooray!”

– note: the period of the holiday season is full of dangers for the animals. Foods such as sultanas (used in christmas cakes), chocolate, macadamia nuts, alcoholic beverages are poisonous to dogs and cats, don’t let them paw. The decorations of the tree, if ingested can be deadly for our animal friends. Even the star of christmas, the mistletoe and holly are poisonous to them.

– If the animal disappears immediately make a loss report it to the police, or another police force. Notify the public veterinary services and kennels in the area.

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