the ROME – another bear was overtaken and killed by a car on a road that skirts the national Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise on Christmas eve. “It is an incalculable loss for the future of the species in the Apennines,” says Dante Caserta , vice-president of Wwf Italy. “We make a heartfelt appeal to all people of good will throughout the area of the actual presence or potential of the bear (in all the mountains of Abruzzo and the neighbouring zones of Lazio, and Molise), it is essential that drivers comply with the speed limits, especially in the evening and at night”. “The future of the marsican brown bear is hanging on a wire,” recalls Caserta, “and also depends on each of us.” The Wwf asks that the Abruzzo Region, together Lazio, Molise, ministries of Environment and Transport, in collaboration with Anas, and under the coordination of the Managing Authority of Patom (Action Plan for the Protection of the marsican Bear), shall meet urgently at the table of the joint work to start as soon as possible the works to guarantee the safety of the roads, with funds from the ad hoc to find in the next budget law in addition to those already available.

The bear, a young female with a cub, is struck by a car in transit to Castel di Sangro (L’aquila) on the eve of Christmas. Is dead on the shot. Even the small was hit but managed to escape into the forest, apparently without a trauma even if we cannot rule out internal injuries. The research in the area continue, because the small will continue to look for her mother for days , risking even being in a situation of danger.

Write to the managers of the park: “In that stretch, even if there is the limit of speed machines approaching fast. We ask everyone to be careful in these days of celebration and intense traffic because, for a few days, the puppy will continue to search for, in that place, mom. The National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, National Park of Maiella, the Reserve of the Genzana and the Police of Forestry, will operate with their own personnel, shifts, night and day to protect the safety of the puppy and people. The orsa will be submitted in the next few days to necropsy, which will give you news”.

But next to the good will of the people, need urgent actions and statutory institutions responsible for the safety of the infrastructure, starting from roads. the In recent years, in fact, have been well 6 the bears have died in road accidents, 2 only in 2019 .

“After each investment, we grieved, we talked about a serious loss, we hypothesized interventions. But how was it done? How many bollards have been installed? How many speed cameras? How many information campaigns for motorists were put in place? Things to do are many, and we don’t hide behind the lack of funds because the agencies, in particular the Regions, in recent years have had enormous resources resulting from the programming of the european, as the FAS and the ERDF ROP. And of course there is explained as well as the funds for projects such as ski resorts, are always, while those for projects in the securing of the territory which serve to citizens and to the preservation of the bear seem to be always impossible to find,” adds Dante Caserta.

In Anversa degli Abruzzi and Molise, with the support of ANAS, the WWF has installed bollards in the miles of roads – one of the interventions that fall in the campaign, WWF brown Bear, 2×50′, for doubling the population of the marsican brown bear by 2050 – as well as from other associations inside and outside of the Park of Abruzzo in collaboration with the same protected areas, which have drawn up and put in the field also european projects such as LIFE “Roads” and “SafeCrossing”. But alone measures are not enough: you need a total plan of securing of the territory, where every body yes take the responsibility of what it manages, and it must be done in the premises as of the expansion of the bear because it is there that you will play the population increase.

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