The ashes of a once great civilization of the past re-emerge in Mexico. Archaeologists from the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (Inah) have announced the discovery of a “massive” palace of the era of the maya, located on the site of Kulubá in the Yucatan peninsula, not far from touristy Cancun. The building, to a height of six metres long, 55, and 15 wide, it was built a thousand years ago, and would have belonged to the elite of pre-columbian civilization.

According to the researchers of Inah, the building, used for nearly five centuries from 600 to 1050 d.C, represents an important witness of the golden period of the development of the maya, up to the beginning of their decline. When, led by king-gods that they were not averse to human sacrifices, they founded city-states linked by a dense network of trade, by establishing itself in a wide the mesoamerican area that included South-Eastern mexico, Guatemala and Belize.