the ROME – The UNHCR, the United Nations Agency for Refugees, urges us to increase support in favour of the citizens of afghanistan, forced to flee, and the communities that welcome them, in view of the first Global Forum on Refugees, held in Geneva on Tuesday and Wednesday next (17th and 18th December), a year after the history statement of the Global Pact on Refugees. The exodus of afghanistan is now entering its fifth decade, approximately 4.6 million on the global scale, the afghans were uprooted, of whom about 2.7 million registered as refugees and another two million were displaced within the Country. The afghans represent the population under UNHCR’s mandate remained displaced and dispossessed of everything for a long time at the global level.

90% of The afghans is found in Iran and Pakistan. An overwhelming majority of about 90 per cent of afghan refugees still reside in Pakistan and Iran. The afghans are also the single larger group of asylum seekers arrived in Europe, following the sharp deterioration of the security conditions in Afghanistan and the growing pressure of the financial burden borne by host nations. Both in Iran and in Pakistan, the afghan refugees have access to education and to the national health system. The results of this inclusive approach have been remarkable and an example to the world. In Iran, the literacy of afghan children has grown more than ten times that of 1979. According to official estimates, currently approximately 480,000 children afghan refugees and undocumented are enrolled at the school for the academic year 2019-2020, because that shows a steady increase compared to previous years.

projects of integration in the act. In Pakistan, the Government and the UNHCR are working together in the context of the initiative, the Areas affected by the crisis of refugees and engaged in the hospitality (Refugee Affected and Hosting Areas/RAHA) to strengthen the support in favour of the host communities and the pressure supported by infrastructure and resources. Since 2009, more than 12.4 million pakistanis and afghan refugees have benefitted from these programs. In Afghanistan, the Government works in partnership with the UNHCR and other actors to support those who are returning to their homes, and the host communities, through projects aimed to enable re-entry and reintegration, in particular by ensuring the means of livelihood, education, health care and energy delivery. Only this year, have been about 350,000 afghans supported through sustainable development initiatives designed to promote access to key infrastructure such as energy, education and housing at affordable costs.

aid hampered by the crisis in the socio-economic. The socio-economic problems continue to seriously impede humanitarian efforts in all three Countries. In Iran, the recession in the economy led to the rapid increase in health care costs hitting in the same way with both iranian, both afghani. The refugees have had to cope with an increase in 65 percent of the insurance premiums in public health over the last few months. Despite the enormous economic challenges, the Government remains committed to ensuring that assistance and protection on behalf of afghan refugees. These objectives cannot be achieved without support and will require the commitment to guarantee further efforts by the international community on the occasion of the upcoming Global Forum on Refugees, and in the following.

The exiled afghans have, on average, less than 25 years. The vast majority of the afghans, both inside the Country and outside, in exile, is composed of young people. Among those who are in Pakistan and Iran, about three-quarters the age of 25 years. These young refugees are the future of Afghanistan and their role is essential for the development of their community – but will need more support in order to achieve that goal. While the rest of the international community is preparing to gather for the occasion of the Global Forum on Refugees next week, it is imperative that those who have been affected by the decades-long afghan crisis continue to represent a shared priority.

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