Clash between the government and the Motorways (Aspi) on the revocation of the concession. The company is run by Sintonia (the Benetton family) it goes on the counter attack and with a formal letter sent to Palazzo Chigi, the Italian ministry of Transport and the ministry of the Economy says: then the resolution of the contract we are in.

With all the consequences of the event: reimbursement of 100 percent of the value of the concession (€23 billion) because of the “multiple rights and principles enshrined in the Constitution and community law, including the respect of the principle of custody and protection of the assets of the Company and all stakeholders,” read the text sent to the government on Sunday evening at the end of the board of directors.

But the response of the Palazzo Chigi and the minister Paola De Micheli is just as hard: unacceptable threat, not in line with the role of a dealer in goods of the State. Bags closed so the executive decides to open the iron arm.

The casus belli is the rule included in the decree “Milleproroghe”, which establishes, in exceptional cases, the immediate transfer of the control of the roads and the network of the Anas. A tool that serves to unlock many yards still but that could also have a direct effect on the revocation of the concession asked in a loud voice from the 5 star Movement, after the collapse of the Bridge Morandi.