If the premier Giuseppe Conte , “look to the future with confidence”, and expressed its satisfaction for the operation passed in the night, and although the Court of Auditors considers the decision a “design of fiscal policy from the orientation of expansion”, the secretary of the Cisl Annamaria Furlan bowl the budget law, calling it “insufficient.

“Away for free to the #Manovra2020. In 100 days: less taxes for workers, more money for the families, Municipalities, fire brigade, health, incentives to the enterprises. Growth, sustainability, environment, welfare, the fight against tax evasion: with confidence we look to the future of the citizens”, tweet Count in the morning, before going to Taranto in the afternoon for a short visit to the workmen of the ex-Ilva.

Also the leader of the M5s Luigi Di Maio relies on the social to claim that “it is a good maneuver, and today we are happy to be able to look you in the eye and tell you that the italians will not increase Vat”.
But, as said, the budget law does not like the Cisl : “It’s a manoeuvre insufficient, made mostly to avoid the Vat increase but that does not give you that boost of today it is necessary for the growth of the Country”, writes Furlan on the page Facebook of the union. “It is definitely a good thing that it is avoided also this year, the Vat increase and that is expected, but will do so starting from the middle of the year, even a slight reduction in the tax wedge on the payroll for the secretary – But this is not enough to grow the country and to promote the employment of the many young people in search of work, especially in the south. The work you create with public and private investments, with the relaunch of the economy, through a strong reduction of taxes on wages, on pensions, on companies that invest in innovation, research, training, quality”.
Critical also the leader of the League and of the opposition Matteo Salvini , in christmas visit to the children at the Buzzi hospital of Milan: “There are 7 billion of taxes, the Vat increase we have avoided us the last year. “There is coal under the tree for businesses and Italian families, hope is the last maneuver of this government”.

The spokesman of the Movement 5 Stars of the commissions of Environment, productive Activities and Transportation of the Chamber spread, instead, a note in which they praise the financial because it enables our Country to make another important step towards an economic model finally sustainable”.

“This Government was born with a precise objective: to avoid the Vat increase – clarifies the minister of Labour, the grillina Nunzia Catalfo – we have succeeded and after this, in the Budget law yesterday, after the Senate has passed the examination of the Room, we have placed many measures in favour of the citizens of which, as the Minister of Labour and Social Policy and exponent of the Movement 5 Stars, I’m very proud of”.
“We have confirmed underlines,” Catalfo – 100, Bee Social and Option Woman, that will allow thousands of workers to go first in a board; cut the tax wedge (€3 billion by 2020 and 5 billion a year from 2021) by putting more money in their pay envelopes; allocated more funds for apprenticeships, to ensure that our young people enter the world of work through a training programme, and for the Fire Brigade, as no Government had ever done; doubled the bonus kindergarten and increased paternity leave; created the Fund for disability and non self-sufficiency financed with 529 million euros in the three-year period 2020/22″.

“Approved the #manovra2020, we were able to keep the promises and to prevent the Country to end on a provisional basis, as they wanted to Salvini and the Lega – tweet l minister for Relations with the Parliament and Federico D Incà I would like to Thank all the parliamentarians of the majority and the Government who have worked responsibly for the good of the Country”.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved reader COMMENTS Today on Gualtieri: “The presence of the State in the economy should not be taboo. It also serves to improve the functioning of the market” Government, now the Country deserves more in The line of the Highways don’t Count. “Review of the concessions is the right of the government,” The company closes in the fort: “We are ready to defend ourselves” “Rates went up much more than inflation”

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