The school, in Italy, through a complicated stage. And citizens perceive it well, as the survey shows of the Observatory Demos-Coop, recently. The problems reported, however, is not so much about the school and those who work there. Rather: the resources available to you. Always scarce. So more and more evident. On the other hand our Country invests about 8% percent of public expenditure on education (Open Polis on Eurostat data). We, that is, at the bottom of the list, the european. Well below the Eu average (10.2 percent). It is not new, but there is no reason to console himself. Not even to be resigned, if possible. The more that the subjects of the school system continue to be appreciated. In particular, teachers. University professors, in particular, in the classification defined on the basis of the social prestige, are seconds. Just after the doctors. The front (little) respect for judges and prosecutors. But also teachers of higher school, elementary and media are perceived in a positive way by a component to high citizens. Between 57% and 52%. Therefore, in addition to the “media” in general.

teachers are appreciated because they are (very or fairly) “prepared”. However, in historical perspective, it emerges, is widespread, the feeling that there is a certain decline. Not so much in the University, that, in the reviews, looks better, or, however, “remained a more or less equal. But the educational system, in the last 10 years, the majority of the citizens appears to be “worse”.

in Short, the school and the educational system, at the Italian public opinion, elicit mixed feelings. If they recognize the role and the importance, but also the problems. The worrying concern is, understandably, the professional prospects of the students. The critical shared concerns, in fact, “the poor connection with the world of work”. Combined with the lack of “resources for teaching”. And the lack of support to the families and students of the socially “disadvantaged”. They see, in this way, their disadvantage grow. On the other hand, a lot of research (of)show a close relationship between the “career” education and training. While it is known the relationship between school performance and the social position of the family. So, continue to loom the risk of a future – at least partially – pre-defined. Predictable. Based on the benefit (social and family) of departure. An issue that affects the “mission” of the school. That should offer to the young, “equality of opportunity”. A future. In the work. And not only that.

it Is interesting to observe how the “responsibility” of these problems cannot be attributed solely to the actors of the school system, “the public”. In fact, only a small minority calls for a greater weight of “private”. It is, instead, invoked the role of the family itself. “Guilty,” to intrude often, and a lot more of the past, in the events of the school. To defend the children in front of the professors. While, in this way, he de-responsibility. And interferes on their path. Not only in the school. Are there any known problems, that the investigation of the Demos-Coop confirmation. But it is useful to observe and verify how ripropongano, in time, in spite of criticism and self-criticism. The survey points out, moreover, as dissatisfaction is more acute where there are no students in the family. Where the school is, therefore, perceived with greater detachment. Dis-enchantment. But he who does the accounts on a daily basis, with the training system, through the experience of the children / students, it is more forgiving. Although no less critical. And worried. Because if the future of young people depends on the school: it is necessary to invest in the school. Because young people “are” the future of the company. Our future. For this, years ago, I published a “Compass” titled: “don’t study!”. To denounce the lack of attention devoted by the institutions and governments towards the school and the young people.

I Wrote, then: “The professors will be abolished by law, together with the School. (…) Because the culture makes us free, critical and aware. But today is not convenient”. Because of this, instead, today “should” invest in the school. Especially in Italy. Where the majority of the citizens believes that “the young people, to have a future, if it should go elsewhere.” As indeed often happens. Since our graduates are required. Because, in spite of the opinions found in this survey, our training system is of high quality. At the same time, we must provide young people with good reasons to return. And to the young people of other Countries to come here. To study. We need to invest in the school. In the younger generations. To enable them to overcome the condition “adult with reservation”, as some would say “that great genius of my friend”. The unforgettable Eddy Berselli.
And to offer to the Sardines, tomorrow, not a square, but a sea in which to swim. Not to lose hope. In order not to lose the future. In order not to get lost.

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