Federal President Ueli Maurer has presented on Tuesday in the Council of States the annual objectives of the Federal Council for 2020. To do this, the conclusion of a framework agreement with the EU – a goal set by the Federal Council for the current year.

There must be found a solution to the institutional questions, so that the bilateral way in the interest of Switzerland could continue, said Maurer. The Federal Council will lead the process in the coming year.

a year Ago, the then Federal President, Alain Berset had said, the Federal Council will adopt the message to the framework agreement in 2019. In the summer, the Federal Council decided, however, the agreement provisionally not to sign. He assessed the outcome of the negotiations, although overall positive, but demanded at various points for clarifications and clarifications.

Many reform projects

another priority to be taken by the Federal Council, the climate and the digitisation in its objectives. Upcoming year, he wants to adopt a long-term climate strategy is in line with the climate agreement of Paris, and the Swiss account, as Mason explained.

among the many law projects to be passed by the Federal Council in 2020 for the attention of Parliament, such as Reform of the occupational Pension scheme, as well as the value-added tax. In addition, the network of free movement of persons agreement is to be extended. Maurer mentioned specifically, the Efta agreements with the Mercosur countries. Waiting “, a filled basket of tasks,” said Maurer.

Traditionally, the outgoing President, the outgoing President, the objectives for the coming year. For masons, this is a proof for the “composure, with which in the Switzerland policy”. The Federal Council put on in the next year to ensure continuity and have his three set guidelines for the welfare, cohesion and security always present. According to the national Council and the Council of States took note of the report. (sda/red)

Created: 10.12.2019, 09:54 PM