women are at the time of retirement is often at a disadvantage: If you ever get a pension Fund, this is on average clearly lower than those of men. This “Gender Pension Gap” ‘ll take it slowly, will not, however, disappear in the foreseeable future, the Swiss Life on Tuesday.

In a by the insurer, carried out study on the subject of women’s pensions is shown: The largest of the Gender Pension Gap in the case of married women. Many suffered, however, limited, since they were economical with their spouses as a unit. The safety of marriage is in terms of retirement, however, deceptive.

Finally, nowadays, many marriages were divorced. Direct from the Gender Pension Gap is also divorced pensioners are affected because of the interior. “A divorce, reducing the Gender Pension Gap, but also leads to pension gap,” said study author Andreas Christian on Tuesday at a press conference in Zurich, the versions of the media release. Both sexes travel after a divorce provisions is technically worse.

concubinage “particularly treacherous”

As a precaution, technically, “particularly treacherous” could be a Cohabiting household, according to the study. Especially for those women who catered primarily to the children’s education, whether the Situation in old age is often difficult. “The civil state thus has a large influence on the Gender Pension Gap,” said Christians.

The number of cohabiting couples – i.e., couples without being married – with children had increased in the last few years. In this Form of cohabitation, the Pension is not secured in comparison to marriage, however, equally well. “In the event of death of a partner the surviving Partner, also, no widow’s pension,” said Christians.

a Total of today’s age pensioners received in Switzerland on all three pillars to an average of about one-third less pension than men. Over 90 percent of this pension difference from the second pillar of occupational pensions.

“Echo from the past”

But there is in spite of everything, reason for optimism, were the authors of the study. Because of the current Gender Pension Gap was a kind of “Echo from the past”. The young women of today to be significantly more active in the labour market than their mothers and grandmothers.

Specifically, the average working hours of women in Switzerland, they are getting closer to – albeit slowly – to those of the men, said Christians. This reducing, in turn, subsequently, the Gender Pension Gap. The Problem was that too many parents took too little thought about how their model of employment has an impact on the future pension.

After all, the pension system had been modernized in the last few years, on various occasions in favor of women. “The Pension gap has already decreased and will decrease further”, was also quoted Markus Leibundgut, CEO of Swiss Life Switzerland, in the press release.

in the year 2000 introduced a pension compensation is likely to contribute to a future divorced age pensioners, the financial Situation of today’s pensioners will also improve indoor generation, added study author Christian. A divorce is, however, for both genders, also from a precautionary point of view, it is still a challenge.

in Principle, the policy would have said ways to reduce the Gender Pension Gap, continue to, Christians. Examples are a stronger state support for childcare outside the family, or the abolition of the tax marriage penalty. (Dec/sda)

Created: 10.12.2019, 10:42 PM