in October it became known that the Nobel peace prize this year goes to Abiy Ahmed, as received the as a press-shy well-known Ethiopian Premier, in fact, a Team of Norwegian broadcaster NRK. The Reporter described a “clearly touched” the Prime Minister, who was otherwise pretty tight-lipped. The Public should wait until his participation at the Nobel prize ceremony in Oslo in December, said Abiy Ahmed. “I would like to share all my feelings.”

On Tuesday now will be awarded in Oslo the price, but now the disappointment is big: Contrary to all the traditions, Abiy Ahmed said a large part of the usual visit to the program – including all encounters with the press, in which they could ask him questions.

This fear of a demand from the Public triggered in the run-up to the discussions and led to the uptight Norwegian Nobel Committee has reported astonishing critical word. Olav Njølstad, Secretary of the Committee, said the broadcaster, NRK, we find the refusal of Ahmed’s “highly problematic”. Ahmed met on Monday in Oslo. However, he had cancelled the otherwise annual live televised news conference on Monday, as well as the traditional Interviews with the broadcasters, NRK, BBC and Al Jazeera. Ahmed avoids even the peace of the organization “Save the Children”, otherwise, every year, children are the price makers must interrogate.

Abiy Ahmed is controversial

The Declaration of Ahmed’s Delegation, which refers to a lack of time, is not taken in Norway, really for bare coin. The news Agency NTB quoted the Norwegian Ethiopia expert Kjetil tronvoll on location, he pointed out recently, the increasing tension in Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed have at the Moment, “not much that he could boast about”. The last prize-winner, the had avoided any contact with the press, had been in the year 2009, US President Barack Obama.

Abiy Ahmed is for many Ethiopians, a honored and controversial prize-winners. He was determined in the spring of 2018, surprisingly, the Prime Minister, not by free elections but by the unity party, the Ethiopia since 1991, ruled. More than 100 million people live in the multi-ethnic state, dominated politics and the economy, but for a long time by the ethnic group, the Tigray, who make up only six percent of the population. They tried to copy the Chinese model, and promised the Ethiopians economic advancement. Large infrastructure projects were built, the textile and electronics companies in huge industrial parks located. Many of the projects boggy but in corruption and incompetence, for years, hundreds of thousands demonstrated against the Regime – to the stand before the election, to go the Chinese way and the protests down. Or the attempt to start to reform itself from the inside out.

The party decided the fight against violence and for the boys, until then, only a few well-known Abiy Ahmed, the first Prime Minister from the largest ethnic group of the Oromo. He was in a hurry to put the country on the head: thousands of political prisoners have been released, banned parties were allowed to re-press, Newspapers were admitted. Abiy promised free elections, concluded peace with the arch-enemy of Eritrea and started against the corruption of the old Elite to proceed. He risked with the radical reforms his life, survived at least one assassination and a coup attempt from the army.

millions of people

Ethiopia to escape has become a freer country, but also a fragileres. Many ethnic groups striving for autonomy, and conflicts with violence, and millions of people are on the run. By Abiy hear is often little to. The man who introduced in Ethiopia freedom of the press, was never like Interviews, has so far made a large arc around the international TV channels. This “modesty” is part of the Ethiopian culture, said his spokeswoman. They prevented the government but not in the capital, Addis Ababa huge Banner to hang to celebrate the Nobel prize.

At the weekend a German TV team in a couple of street scenes in Addis Ababa turned, when suddenly a car came to a halt, with the Prime Minister at the wheel. The was once clear that the conversation “did not Interview”, but then said a few friendly sentences to the visit of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Abiy Ahmed has the full control which image is being disseminated by him. Before he came in as a Reformer in the story, he was in the Regime of the co-founder of the secret service, who monitored the Internet.

Created: 09.12.2019, 20:33 PM