in mid-November lounge students in the classroom in the evening on the pillow. The light is dimmed. “Sofie runs away, then it POPs,” begins the narrator of his story. The narrative of the night has in many Zurich schools Tradition – to promote reading.

reading is one of the basic skills on all of the Zurich school levels. Once first graders have mastered a few letters, it will be trained. Later, for example, confetti can be scattered on the texts, so that children learn to be incomplete reading visible texts meaningful in addition. Classes spend lessons in the school library, children will make a book presentation, or a reading journal, class readings, and author visits. Antolin, the web-based program to promote reading, is popular. Christian Hugi, President of the Zurich teachers ‘ Association LVZ, are also read in the Zurich schools used teaching materials in the field of attractive recycled. “We’re no longer much for reading competence.”


The latest results of the Pisa study, Hugi, however, at a loss. He has a certain understanding of the fact that the classical reading is compared to reading on a Smartphone less attractive. “Today, you must not read to understand something. Videos show much.”

“Today, you must not read to understand something. Videos show much.”:Christian Hugi, President Of The Zurich Teachers ‘ Association.

That one can not distinguish by ten 15-Year-olds but, if a Text-only facts, or opinion, the leg should not be. “Since we are as a school responsibility. In a democracy, children must be able to both texts, as well as statements critical of your truthfulness behind the questions.” Interestingly, the tested students would be the formation of course, to see the kink in the read biography.

For sec-ZH-President Daniel tile, the latest Figures are not surprising. “The fact that leisure reading can enjoy on our stage, a rather step-motherly existence, is society-related.” Netflix round-the-clock and Gaming are attractive Alternatives to read. As a secondary school teacher, he attempted, therefore, preventively to the problem. Hugi, like tile, are still striving to improve the reading skills further. You’ll be in conversations with the Board of Education and the Zurich University of teacher education theme.

Active learning time

education Director Silvia Steiner (CVP) has been granted according to the Pisa study in 2012 that Zurich students have the reading skills to be a Problem. You want to see, therefore, in the future, especially the promotion of reading in the preschool area. Since the school year 2015/2016 the pilot project, All of the runs in the Canton of Zurich in addition, at the secondary level – “Active learning time and learning”. The nine pilot schools to try to improve the skills of weaker students in English and mathematics with intensive shared learning time, and classroom supplemental learning activities. An important part of the project, a peer teaching feedback.

The Pedagogical University Zurich (PHZH) has, since the 2000 Pisa study focusing on reading, and offers appropriate training. Hans Jacob Schneider, a Professor of English and English as a second language, says: “We have since taken seriously the reading skills and define aware of how teachers, pupils and students in this regard should be.”

The PHZH divides the area in three levels that are specifically trained. On the first, the basal skill of the liquid reading is learned. Text-to-speech-Tandems are for around ten years, popular. The Listening back to the Reading error that is repeatedly Read out until it is liquid. For the cognitive level of the text understanding of learning to consider the end before you read, what you know about the topic and how the Text is structured.

While reading incomprehensible to be painted. Finally, the personal attitude to reading and reading material should be reflected. Schneider says: “As a door-opener which can be also a Bravo book. The goal is to read from an inner Motivation.”

Created: 03.12.2019, 20:11 PM