Prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) is no longer the prime minister tomorrow, said the Tampere university of political science professor Ilkka rust czar .

rust czar does not believe that the center of critical comments after his give the Slope to continue as prime minister. Earlier today, party chairman of the Katri Kulmuni said that the centre is a person related to distrust.

the rust of the tsar, the centre requires that the Slope differs from today, before tomorrow’s midterm issue to discuss. Intermediate question, the opposition seeks to overthrow the whole government.

rust czar sees as the most likely alternative that the Slope gave way and replace him with any other SDP member.

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Yle follow the government crisis: “we Hope that the SDP will do conclusions” – the centre of no-confidence on the Slopes, demarin makers gathered in Hakaniemi

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