Domestic wild fish have enough advocates. Still, wild fish sales were poor.

the most Recent statistics (switch to another service), finns prefer grown imported salmon. Indigenous fish the most popular is the rainbow trout, which also becomes part of the fish raising hell.

where Norwegian salmon goes in at 3.5 kilograms, remains the most popular domestic natural fish, cheese, consumption of less than half kg.

Yle Nature explained the economic survey, the survey of Finnish fish eating. Based on the survey it would appear that at least of environmental toxins are not the cause of wild fish to poor sales.

Just 15% said to restrict wild fish eating fish, accumulation of environmental toxins because of. Age influenced some responses – younger people are slightly more cautious than the parents.

environmental toxins impact the THL research professor Hansel stone beach the result is not surprising.

– If you restrict fish eating, hopefully, limit the species of consumption, which is recommended to limit.

rock beach refers to the Baltic sea to the requested salmon, trout and herring, which are children and women of childbearing age are recommended to eat to a maximum of a couple of times a month. The reasons are harmful dioxins and PCBS, which of these fat in fish some is.

the most recent studies though have shown that herring toxin concentrations have been in clear decline in the – a big the herring are below toxic concentrations in the limit values.

These old sins, dioxin and PCB concentrations have decreased significantly in the Baltic sea and also inland fishing in the last thirty years, the pebble beach fix.

the Positive development is due to the fact that the compounds no longer reach surface waters, either by prohibitions or cleaning devices due to.

the Bulk of the herring catch from the end up feeding.YLE/Reetta Arvila

while the fish toxic concentrations, is the European food safety agency tightening the limit values for dioxin. It thus appears that the food recommendations are the coming changes.

– the Current recommendations to ensure well, that exposure to even a large herring or a requested salmon contained contaminants.

research professor Hannu Kiviranta remind, that in fish there is also a lot of positive nutrients.

– Procreation bypass after eating fish the benefits are clear. You should also remember that Finland has a lot of fish species, where concentrations are so low, that hitting a restriction is not necessary.

– the most Common fish eating recommendations for compliance – eat fish at least two times a week fish species, ranging is quite easy kotimaisel cap fish.

Yle of Nature commissioned by the according to the survey, 40% of finns eat domestic wild fish for at least a few times a month. More than 65 years of eating this more often. Instead, families with children domestic wild fish use is limited.

based on the survey of finns would be ready to increase the use of fish, but domestic wild fish, the price is considered to be expensive and the availability hopes.

you Can read more on this topic via this link.

This poll was conducted: economic research interviewed by yle of the assignment of the 1130:in person 15.-18.11.2019. A survey was made of the internet panel, and the sample represents the Finnish adult population. The results were weighted by age, gender and place of residence according to the population statistics to match. The margin of error is 3 percentage points in either direction.

see also:

Herring toxin concentration has fallen markedly – big herring below already limits

the Finns want to eat more domestic wild fish – Fish response to food change?

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