Hans Stöckli the Swiss Council of States President. The small chamber chose the Bernese SP Council of States on Monday with 39 of 41 valid votes. He hoped that he could those who would not have given him the voice, to convince with his work, said Stöckli. Once – in 1971 – he had asked in an essay, the abolition of the Council of States, confessed to the President of the Council.

The Council of States was regarded as old-fashioned and meaningless. Completely unchallenged, he was not even today. You interrupt the Superiority of the rural cantons. But no one think more seriously of it, the Council of States to be abolished. He was looking forward to the younger, more feminine and greener Council of States, said Stöckli. The renewal will do the small chamber. “But we want to remain the ‘chambre de réflexion’.”

Stöckli, of the said languages in all four parts of the country, identified three priorities for his presidential year: The multilingualism, the political education and the strengthening of the identity of the Council of States. The main focus was directed on the youth. He wanted to inspire so many as possible for the democracy. For the 67-year-old Biel the choice is the culmination of a long political career. Stöckli, who is considered to be passionate, but pragmatic politician, will lead the small chamber now for a year.

He is the 15. The Council of States, President of the Canton of Bern. Most of the Swiss Council of States presidents questioned up to now, the Canton of Vaud (17), followed by Bern, Thurgau (12), St. Gallen (12) and Zurich (11). Only four women were elected to the Council of States President.

Created: 02.12.2019, 17:09 PM