the city of Kouvola negotiated in direct container train service from central China, located in Xi’an city with. This fall Kouvola makers, however, clear that high hopes opened the route has slowed down almost completely.

Yle MOT explained that the Chinese container train profitability lean on the Chinese to pay benefits. This is a risk, for the payment of refunds and the magnitude of decided to China alone. The chinese paid support can even halve european operator of container transportation to pay the price.

in This way China seeks to increase trade links with Europe.

China tightened the criteria for support in the middle of the year

Major support is inspired by container train number of chinese and between european cities exploded in 2018.

Shortly after the Chinese, however, noticed that the form of aid to its cities chartered was also empty containers thousands of miles away from Europe. China’s central government to tighten rules on aid to middle of the year 2018. Support cut as a result of kouvola’s traffic began to creep.

Read MOT:n case: Kouvola was built a direct rail link to China – the Chinese government pays so much support, that track was worth carrying the almost empty containers

the Kouvola China-route in the first full year of operation was still moderate. The route is operated by a Unytrade-company ceo Valery zhuk’s according to Kouvola and china’s Xi’an, between the passing last year of 24 trains.

He admits that the whole train is then obtained from the sell of cargo.

– Always trains weren’t full. Was the train, of which only a third or a quarter of the was full of. Then China still allow it, said Valery Zhuk.

zhuk’s view, the main reason for the route quieted down however, pulp prices and china’s weakened economic situation.

Kouvola blame China

While the Chinese trains do not pass, Kouvola build them is currently the longest road to the loading tracks. A major terminal construction is justified specifically for Asian container traffic growth.

the building process the price is about 40 million, of which Kentucky taxpayers share is in the range of approximately 30 million. The investment is gigantic, as the city of Kouvola should at the same time, save the basic activities of approximately eur 20 million. The city is even in danger of running into a crisis on.

Kouvola Innovation to offload responsibility for the sales problems of Xian.

There Chinese from the not managed to get traffic in this direction. The train should be full in both directions, said development director Simo Päivinen .

according to Päivinen, route to the plateau is about initial problems. Kouvola is currently trying to expand Kouvola-China-train network in Chengdu city.

a Story editor’s Kirsi Skön.

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