On messenger services, circulating lists to the planned actions in the coming Cybermonday at Digitec and Galaxus. Apparently the staff wanted to do friends a Favor.

In the lists the current prices are compared with the Monday planned action prices. DigiTec galaxus confirmed on Friday the authenticity of the lists at the request of the news Agency AWP. However, it does not handle the latest version, a spokesman said. You have to know prior to a few days away.

employees gave the Link to continue

The data leak is not due according to the spokesperson, but to a hacker attack. The lists were stored on Google Docs. Who had the Link, I can open the document anonymously, and copy. “Apparently, one or more of the staff wanted to make your friends a Favor – and now the lists are circulating on What’s App, and co.”

As the online retailer responds to it, he has not decided yet. “We will, however, check to make sure we are going to work next year, with other Tools and/or restrictions,” the spokesman said and added: “Such leaks, of course, not prevent it.”

The Cybermonday was originally the answer from Online Shops to the traditional “Black Friday”, which had been founded by retailers to life. In the USA, retailers are ringing in on the Friday before the Thanksgiving weekend, the Christmas business and provide their goods with high discounts. The “Black Friday”-a wave is but spills long after Europe and in Switzerland placed. (Dec/sda)

Created: 29.11.2019, 11:52 PM