As the Flames in the night on Thursday in Buffalo a 3:2 triumph, lacked the NHL Team from Calgary to be racist, in the back of the inhuman Boss kick. All of these are attributes with which former players Bill Peters in the last few days have considered. Peters is the head coach of Calgary. But probably not for long.

Because the Flames have initiated an investigation against the Coach and him, until Further notice, from the operation of the game away. It is a deeper case for the 54-Year-old, who came as an assistant to the great Mike Babcock in the NHL, which he led for four seasons, Carolina is coached before the Flames 2018/19 on ranking 1 of the Western Conference. Twice Peters head coach of the Canadians was at a world Cup. And, apparently, not a supervisor noticed over the years, or it bothered no one that the man is a racist – allegedly.

For the change in thinking it took a Tweet from a former player of Peter’s. It is not surprising what you hear currently on allegations and episodes on Peters’ Mentor Babcock, since it was released in Toronto, wrote Akim Aliu, “the Apple never falls far from the tree”.

And so tweeted Aliu, such as Peters criticized him once in the dressing room for his musical preferences and multiple times, “the N bomb” dropped. Thus, the canadian said, with Nigerian roots, neither neutron bombs even hallucinogenic drugs. But racist phrases. And according to this Tweet, there was no stopping.

team-mates confirmed Alius words, there will be more incidents were reported. As a former defender of the Carolina Hurricanes, described, as Peters came during a game in the back. The current Coach of the Hurricanes, then an assistant, confirmed the. Another player described Peters as “the worst human beings that I coached ever”.

All of this relates to operations, some of which are many years back. So you would think that the reputation of Peters was battered any longer. But, apparently, was not so. Peters was allowed to coach juniors at the highest level – and won the Memorial Cup. Hockey Canada confided to the man his world Cup Team and won Gold. The Flames were catching up with him and dominated the Western half of the League.

but Now that Calgary is sporty in the crisis, responded to the Club immediately. “This is a very serious matter,” let the Flames announced. Even the League spoke up. “Disgusting and unacceptable” was held in the NHL, the behavior that is placed Peters on the load – if it corresponds to the truth of the matter. But whether true or untrue, is in one respect already no matter: Peters’ reputation is ruined, even if he’s wearing himself to blame for it.

Two days after Alius Tweets, the Accused reported himself at last to speak. He described his racist Statement from the 2009/10 season as “unique, immediately bedauertes event” and offered a “sincere apology”. Not directly to Aliu. But to his superiors at the Flames, he wrote a letter, which he also shared with the TV channels Sportsnet and TSN. Peters seems to have understood what is for him at the Moment on the game. But otherwise he has realized, apparently, little.

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Created: 28.11.2019, 10:53 PM