16’000 Swiss francs per year and per household were spent in 2017, an average for a culture, on the Monday, the 354 Swiss francs are expected. This corresponds to as in previous years, a share of 6.7 percent of the household budget. Slightly decreased the cultural expenses in the public sector.

in Total, have spent the Swiss households in the reporting year, just under 16 billion Swiss francs for culture. The are 350 million francs more than in the previous year. The increase of 2.2 percent is even slightly higher than the cards more expenditure for General private consumption, as the latest Figures from the Federal office for statistics (BFS).

The public sector has not spent even one fifth as much for culture as the residential population, almost 3 billion Swiss francs. The 100 million Swiss francs, or about 3.3 percent less than in the year 2016.

The prejudice, the population of the adhesive, increasingly, the mobile phone and visits increasingly rare cultural institutions, will be resolved by the BFS Figures.

In the years before the culture of spending at all levels of Government slowly, but climbing rose. The municipalities contributed in 2017, the half of the cantons, nearly 40 percent of Federal expenditure, not quite 11 percent of the public Culture.

The prejudice, the population of the adhesive, increasingly, the mobile phone and visits increasingly rare cultural institutions, the BFS-Numbers refuted: compared To the previous year, the expenditure of private theatre rose, Museum and cinema visits. 280 million Swiss francs paid by private households in Switzerland in 2017, for example, Museum admissions, a quarter more even than for visits to the cinema.

the private spending for music, movies/Videos, and books are Dropped only – this is probably mainly due to the growing use of Internet-Downloads. Newspapers, the Swiss were less cost: only 1.18 billion compared with 1.2 in the previous year. This corresponds to a decline of 2 percent. 2006 were issued 1.38 billion Swiss francs for Newspapers and magazines.

Christmas campaign: Free of charge to the Museum

The Foundation of the Swiss Museum pass 000 single given away at Christmas 10 tickets to the owners of the KulturLegi. Thus, people with a tight Budget who already have a KulturLegi, which allows free entry into one of the more than 500 museums in Switzerland.

people with low income often do not have the financial resources to participate in society. The KulturLegi Caritas makes this for people with limited financial means. Over 3100 offers in the areas of education, Sport, leisure and culture with discounts between 30 and 70 per cent are available.

The Museum’s action starts at the 1. December. Then the entries in most of the regional KulturLegi and in the Caritas markets, or ordered online to be picked up. you can find More information here: Kulturlegi Museum pass


Created: 28.11.2019, 13:51 PM