to work

For Donald Trump nerve-wracking. Some of the former employees of the President sitting in jail, others lost their Reputation, and others were abruptly pushed! Trump is unpopular subordinates occasionally fall, as if they were acquaintances Coincidence. Loyalty is a road for the President known to be a one-way.

By the former security consultant Michael Flynn, Ex-Minister of justice Jeff Sessions to trump’s longtime lawyer and Consigliere Michael Cohen, the range of those paid for their work in trump’s Orbit, a price ranges. No one, however, circles devoted to the President as his “personal” attorney Rudy Giuliani. New York’s Ex-mayor has already acted during the Russia affair, as the voice of the President, he acted in the Ukraine affair as a trump excavator for the Digging of Dirt in Kiev.

Giuliani is a Central figure: He drew the campaign to incriminate Joe Biden and the interference in the US presidential election in 2016, instead of Vladimir Putin, the Ukraine attach. “This is an Impeachment Rudy Giuliani’s, and as far as I know, is not the President” has tried the Republican members of Parliament and wholly-owned Trump a Fan of Mark Meadows, the Ex-mayor to push the Ukrainian debacle the other day in the shoes.

To “very good insurance” referred to

In an Interview in early November with the British Guardian Giuliani seemed to be aware of the danger. On the question of whether he worries about Trumps loyalty, he replied, no, he do not Worry, “but I have a very good insurance”. The ambiguous answer led to speculation that Giuliani gained in the course of his Ukrainian Expedition unflattering Material about the President, a guarantee.

In a Tweet last Saturday, Giuliani appeased then: note on insurance for the case that Trump and his get rid of wool, was meant to be “sarcastic”. However, it was in his safe incriminating evidence Biden about Joe.

“Rudy has other clients…he has done over the years, a lot of work in the Ukraine.”Donald Trump, US President

it May be, but on Tuesday, Trump seemed to be in an Interview to distance actually of Giuliani. The acted on their own judgment with regard to the Ukraine, said Trump. “Rudy has other clients…he has done over the years, a lot of work in the Ukraine”. As the author of the question wanted to know whether Giuliani of Trump’s statements, the President claimed that he had given Giuliani a “no instructions”.

instructions given and followed?

This is, of course, nonsense: In his now infamous phone call with the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Selenskyj the end of July, Trump told his interlocutor in Kiev explicitly, with Giuliani to work together. “Mr. Giuliani is highly regarded, he was a great mayor in New York, and I want that he calls you…Rudy knows exactly what’s going on, he is very capable, it would be great if you talk to him could be,” said Trump.

It is also inconceivable that Giuliani had conducted the Ambassador to the Gordon Sondland and Kurt Volker, without the explicit backing of Trump and his foreign Minister, Mike Pompeo around. But if the President wants to get rid of him, is likely to help this circumstance Giuliani barely. Maybe Trump would be with him in the Gordon Sondland (“I know this Gentleman hardly!”) procedure, or as with the two Ukrainian-American businessmen Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, the Giuliani when excavators assisting.

Against him will also be determined: Rudy Giuliani, trump’s lawyer. Photo: Spencer Heyfron (Redux/laif)

“I don’t know you, I don’t know anything about you, I know what you’re doing, but maybe they were clients of Rudy, you don’t have to ask Rudy, I just know it”, schwurbelte Trump. Several photos show Parnas and Fruman with the President, and in December 2018 was Trump in the White house with Parnas. In October verhafteteten Parnas, the denial offended in such a way that he is cooperating now pursuers in the Ukraine affair with New York city criminal.

There is now also determined against Giuliani – because of money-laundering, obstruction of Justice, conspiracy and fraud. On Wednesday Trumps man fell for doubtful operations under pressure: US media reported that Giuliani had contemplated, in addition to his Wühlarbeit in the Ukraine private business transactions with Ukrainian Official to complete.

At the beginning of a call status: US correspondent Alan Cassidy explains how the Impeachment proceedings against Trump runs out. (Video: Alan Cassidy, Adrian Panholzer, Sarah Sbalchiero)

Created: 28.11.2019, 09:19 PM