in today’s world is one amazing feature. It just wants to cover on the current hysterical attitude to life under that revel in snapping of negativity in the new and overindulge the world järjettömyyksillä. That attitude, according to inequality and anxiety are increasing – and I heard they are increasing all the time.

it’s not ok. The cycle of violence deepens, and I hear it constantly deepens; it is already so deep that the point of its graphic presentation in order to need to dig a pit in the tv studio floor.

nothing is right. All I hear is wrong, and more wrong. Square meet.

the World is not ready. It does not surprise anyone. Instead, I amaze ordinary people incomprehensible benevolence.

They do not pursue only their own interests. They do not aim tax calendar to the top and do not hog power.

I Thought then of those, who like oheisvahinkona come without helping other people or helping oheisvahinkona get themselves some sort of income. They are not saints or mother teresoita. They often make good but sometimes also, as we are all imperfect, bad.

Contact them, however, is that they sacrifice part of his life in front of others. They do not pursue only their own interests. They do not aim tax calendar to the top and do not hog power.

I Thought about nurses . I thought the translators, who a tiny fee take care of us culture from the world. I think of those who in the ward are working deacon. Think of a dung beetle researchers and kindergarten teachers. Think of the library, aunts, social workers, poets, bicycle repair people, and other things of their enthusiasm for small entrepreneurs.

I Thought all those low-paid men and women who are indulging themselves in areas that do not make them rich.

They all have a touch of sacrifice and pyyteettömyyttä, which is difficult for me to imagine I found my large corporate world. There the measure of all things is money.

Great leaders will lead your own sake, salary and bonus. It, which they have the most, is the winner.

When two strangers leaders meet , the first thing they compare-led businesses with a turnover of. Whoever is bigger, wins. I have heard with my own ears.

Great leaders will lead your own sake, salary and bonus. It, which they have the most, is the winner.

it Is of course obvious that companies need and that they create a nation, material well-being. But no one take the mogul for just plain goodness. Such an entrepreneur’s perspective, what is important is not the other’s success. The most important thing is their own success.

Ordinary of goodwill to the people life is not a competition and not a martial art. They have understood that not everything can be measured in monetary terms and that the meaning of life not get to the golf course as far as possible rich.

They listen more to his heart than his head. Hope they have surrendered life to service to follow their own star, to pass upon it anywhere.

Reasonable and in good faith the amount should not be underestimated.

Goodwill are the silent majority . This surprise always hysterics, as it turned out to a recent scientific survey of. It is a study every three years to find out the Finnish attitude towards science.

the science of valuation has actually increased. And best of all, it has increased, particularly among young people.

Contrary to what has been declared, the science does not disparage the former more. The scientific answer is not increasing. It does not grow more and more and more and constantly.

the science of valuation has actually increased.

And best of all, it has increased, particularly among young people.

Interest in science correlated the level of education with. Thus, one can guess that when the level of education rises while the old jäärät die off, the trust in science will increase even more.

similarly, to believe huuhaaseen not a rumor, despite not increased.All this gives us reason for hope. Dark despite the not destroyed – good people do that. This I believe.

of Ordinary people unimaginable benevolence, their hope for wealth and decency do that. Science and research will do that.

And if sometimes someone goes the broken ass dude come and fix it.

Kari Breed

the author is a cosmology professor at the university of Helsinki and the knowledge of the author. He is interested in man’s place in the universe and all that is moving or amazing.

the Topic can discuss 27.11. at 16:00.

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