Arsenal 2:2-equaliser in the 96th. Minute through Alexandre Lacazette saw Granit Xhaka again from the distance. Also in the home match against the table’s penultimate state of the 27-year-old Swiss national player in the Gunners squad. Since the Xhakas substitution in the game against Crystal Palace on 27.10 (2:2), and when he was by his own Fans booed and he was then to derogatory Gestures against the supporters in the stadium, pressured, has not been used in the midfielder. In since then, three League games, the North picked up in London only two points.

And also in the Europa League came to the Gunners against Vitória Guimarães on a 1:1 addition. Without the by many Fans and media hard kritiserten and the symbol of Arsenal’s weak start to the season made the Swiss national team players is Arsenal slipped into an even deeper crisis. This raises the question of whether the criticism of the Xhakas services was entitled? Statistically, Arsenal is playing without the left foot is significantly worse. With Xhaka emery’s Team won in this Premier League season, an average of 1.44 points. Without him, only 1,25.

the views of the past season shows a similar picture: Of the 29 Games in which Xhaka was used, resulted in per game at 1.86 points. In the games in which he played, took the team an average of 1.66 meter. Xhakas importance for the Arsenal game in his first season for the Gunners (2016/17) there is even more: When he was employed, drove his Team a little more than two points per game. He played it here, too, 1,66. In his second season, Xhaka missed a single game. Overall, he played in 108 Premier League games for Arsenal, in which he has an average of 1.8 points per game. In the 19 Games he missed since his arrival, took the Team 1.57 points per game.

“My goal is to be a Comeback”

Emery did so well to integrate the midfielder as soon as possible. At the press conference before the game against Southampton, the Coach said: “My goal is to be a Comeback, so he will help us and every Fan may be satisfied with it. Then also its performance is better and the trailer will be in the near or distant future, proud of him.” If Xhaka is, however, also play on the upcoming winter transfer period for Arsenal, remains questionable. Compared to the SRF, he said after the qualifying game, Switzerland in Gibraltar: “I still have a contract at Arsenal, but I’m glad when I’m back and we can settle the matter finally. It is sure to give you a solution, because I can’t accept what happened to me.”

“I know how good he is. He is a strong man and will overcome this Phase.”Patrick Viera

That Xhaka is, however, still have a future in the Arsenal Dress, because the Club believes legend Patrick Vieira. The 43 – year-old Frenchman, who was previously Captain of the Gunners, sees Xhaka unfairly treated. Compared to the “Guardian” said the current nice Coach: “I think we should all remember what he has achieved at Arsenal already. He has earned more respect.” The world champion of 1998: “I know how good he is. He is a strong man and will overcome this Phase.”

Xhaka in comparison with Fernandinho

How good is granite Xhaka is not, only the spirits of the Arsenal Fans getting a divorce. Also the experts seem to disagree about that. The former England player Paul Ince criticised Xhaka at the end of September sharp. The “Mirror”, he said: “I would love to play against him. Xhaka is a technically very good player. To him, however, it lacks in power and strength.” Ince played himself in the past as a defensive midfielder in the Premier League, including Manchester United and Liverpool. The 52-Year-old continued: “I don’t understand why he plays every week and don’t see what he brings to Arsenal.”

Statistically, Xhaka was able to last season with the best defensive Midfielders in the League match. In 29 missions, he scored four goals and gave two Assists. Shot 29 times in the direction of the gate, he met twelve times. Played 2245 passes – of which 718 forward. He blocked nine shots, caught 36 passes. Won 29 of his 52 tackles and 52 aerial duels. Indebted but two Penalties.

The PFA (Players Football Association) in the best 11 of the season selected Fernandinho (defensive midfielder, Manchester City) shot for comparison, also 29 inserts a goal, gave 3 Asissts, played by 2050, passes, of which 583 to the front. Four shots, began to block 41 passes, won 43 of his 57 tackles, and 77 head ball duels. He also caused a Penalty.

Holds Emery’s word, so Xhaka is expected to receive at least one of the next two games with a Chance to prove its to. Because Arsenal is on Thursday in the Europa League Eintracht Frankfurt and plays only three days later, away in Norwich.

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Created: 26.11.2019, 17:10 PM