the chambers of Commerce keep the government’s proposals for electric vehicle charging points disproportionate.

the Government is targeting a significant increase of electric car charging points to electric cars amount to obtain growth.

for Example, non-residential buildings with more than 20 parking spaces, should according to the government proposal to install a charging point ten percent of the parking spaces by 2025.

– for Example, a hundred parking places in the area would have to be ten charging points. The number sound really big, Kymenlaakso chamber of commerce president and ceo Marika variegated quality said.

the chambers of Commerce according to the show imposes more obligations than the eu directive requires.

it Is clear that climate policy decisions need to be made, and things have to evolve forward. When the case is laid down at union level, so it is hoped that it will also be implemented at that level, and the directive to do anything English-adds Motley said.

the most Expensive investment

the Reform would hit the mottled-based according to particular operators, which are big parking areas. Them required download the number of points would rise high.

– New and extensively repaired by the requirements and changes in requirements would be really significant, a motley of notes.

motley online according to the eu directive permits little flexibility of the charging point to the number of such items, which are only used for part of the year. Variegated raise the kymi valley such to the subject of the present Tykkimäki leisure centre.

At the moment Tykkimäki has two charging points, which are free-time center ceo Sakari Pasanen according to enough so far.

– Dozens of additional points of investment is out of the question especially for this seasonal operation. Additional charging points in the construction of, inter alia, tourist destinations often require also the electric network re-construction, which is not cheap fun too, says Pasanen.

Required to download the number of points would rise high, especially in large parking areas.Antti Kolppo / Yle

Marika motley of also including, for example, ski centers and camping areas for investment could be introduced relative to the unreasonable.

Many times figuring out just what electric vehicles, charging itself to pay. Download the price of electricity plays a pretty small part in relation to the fact that you have to invest in and build charging points.

residential buildings, the obligation should be the law according to the draft relating to new or extensively renovated houses, with more than four parking spaces. Each scene should build an electric car charging capability. In addition, the building owner should arrange the chance to download the point, if a resident acquires an electric car.

in Many of the company and the house company is a motley of had the impression that electric cars are downloading and using the service are not necessarily ready to respond to the total cost.

– Someone’s laptop as they will then always remain. As a whole is a pretty big issue, how this will be done.

“of Course charging points should be”

the chamber of commerce of the fear is also that the massive investments in one technology leave other alternative fuels into account the development without.

– If you talk about too much just the electric car tourism and its development, many of the very important and potential measures to reduce emissions of car development may lag a little behind. For example, biodiesel or the type of matters can be found at least as effective solutions, Marika Motley said.

the motley of hope, also, that the electric car tourism entity and the consumption cycle would be kept in mind.

– I have a feeling that the overall effect is not really anyone’s possession, when it comes to thinking about all the battery issues, they prepare and it takes the raw materials and what happens when a car battery life becomes a destination.

the bill would, by 2030, an estimated total of about 171 000 charging points.Johanna Manu / Yle

the Motley emphasize that the chamber of commerce you consider the importance that climate protection issues are raised, and also the electric car tourism business conditions improve.

– of Course charging points should be, so that we are able to provide the conditions for electric cars and electric vehicle tourism will expand, but let’s now moderation and common järjessä its relative amount with. If Finnish companies creates unnecessary investment pressure, it weakens their competitiveness in the world. It should remember and take into account that fact.

Also, the association of local authorities has told its opposition to the law. According to the association of the draft law in accordance with the charging points would be too much and in the wrong places. The issue has caused friction also within the government.

by 2030 acts would, according to estimates a total of about 171 000 charging points and the charging capacity of about 621 000 parking place.

Read more:

the Government wants to oblige property owners to increase electric car charging points – Also car free may have to pay

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