the management of The Matt school house in Wil SG sent recently an e-Mail to all the teachers. Like “20 minutes” reported, has been communicated to you in this, that at this year’s advent celebration on December 20. December would not be singing three Christmas songs – from “respect towards other cultures and religions,” as it’s called in the Mail. The songs would be replaced. And more: “further contributions for the Christmas party must be so designed that all cultures are raised to feel.”

In the case of the cancelled Christmas carols is “Go Tell It on the Mountain”, “Fröhliche Weihnacht überall”, and “S grööschte Gschänk”. The well-known songs deal with the birth of Jesus. “Go Tell It on the Mountain”, which was set to music by Frank Sinatra in a duet with Bing Crosby, and “Merry Christmas everywhere” are in the Canton of St. Gallen in the official intermediate Songbook “Sing ais”.

problems in the past to celebrate

the children of the Eastern Swiss school no longer sing the songs now, founded, according to the Insider. e. f.* the fact that it had come in the past few years, to problems.

As a father two years ago to be up during the Christmas concert of a class and loudly have claimed. He had complained about the song selection, where in the room, however, more Muslims than Christians were to be found. Also last year, a father had claimed, the was however, not of the Muslim faith. In between, there had been a head of school change.

According to the Insider, some of the teachers are not able to understand the song decision: “Probably the new headmaster didn’t want to go with the song Canon for the Celebration on ice”, speculated F. The teaching staff had not been in the decision-making involved, to delete the songs.

the decision of The Executive Board witness of ignorance about Islam.

In the decision of the Director of education of the city of Wil has been involved with. This is not responded to on Monday evening on a request from “20 minutes”. School principal Tobias Matt writes, however: “We plan the Ceremony together in a Team. It is also active discussion about how we can all integrate.” The programme should be balanced. In the past, there had already been criticism of the parents, “regardless of religion”.

To be sure, traditional as well as new songs for the children to pick up Matt. “There was a proposal that was looked at and adjusted, so that we will have a harmonious and solemn song program.” Traditional Christmas carols like “silent night” would continue to be sung. What are some songs that are new to the program, he said.

Islamic organisations have nothing against Christmas songs

Stunned to react to Muslims in Switzerland. Farhad Afshar, President of coordination of Islamic organizations Switzerland, is encouraging schools, Christian songs, noted: “From our point of view it is very regrettable that in a Christian country and Christian songs are sung.” If Muslims would encounter the same thing as the Salafi influence going back.

the decision of The Executive Board witness of ignorance about Islam. In many places in the Islamic world, the Muslims would celebrate with the Christians and their shops to decorate. E. F. wonder, meanwhile, whether the Christmas party would not per se be deleted, or the advent celebration should only be held for children from the Christian cultural circle.

* initials changed

Created: 26.11.2019, 10:26 PM