the stakes of The Grisons police against the man, who was in the lower Engadine, the illegal Baukartell blow, to be criticised by a parliamentary inquiry Commission. In one important respect the Commission, but the all-clear.

by The Grisons cantonal Parliament appointed a five-member parliamentary investigation Commission (Puk) put forward on Tuesday in Chur, a more than 270-page report. He describes three police operations against Adam Quadroni – the man that tore the lower Engadine Baukartell, of which he was previously himself to the Public.

In one important point the report gives the all-clear. The Puk found no evidence that members of the Baukartells had manipulated the authorities, in action against Quadroni.

police grenadiers overwhelmed

The three investigated police operations against the – depending on your point of view – Whistleblower or traitor, Quadroni were due to the tense family Situation. In the focal point of the use of the middle of June, 2017, for the danger of an alleged suicide or an extended suicide was the reason stand.

Quadroni was overwhelmed by police grenadiers, in the course of a care-related accommodation, tied up and blindfolded in a psychiatric clinic brought. The degree of applied violence, the opinions of stakeholders diverge. In this application, the Kesb, the district doctor and the social services were involved alongside the police of the Canton in advance.

The Puk had arrived at the three investigated police actions at the conclusion that it is due to a binding to an unlawful or in part, disproportionate interference with the personal freedom Quadronis and his sister. The supervision, respectively, management responsibility had not been perceived by the police officers is sufficient.

police commander in criticism

Walter Schlegel, the commander of the cantonal police of Grisons, the Puk, to have the overall management responsibility for too little perceived. He was inadequate and uncritical working with the Canton police with Quadroni apart. With amazement the Puk have noticed that the commander had not dealt with the case, said on Tuesday at the media conference in Chur.

The Puk wrote, it is the unsatisfactory impression was being created, the commanders reluctant to actively support the investigation. This is in view of the scope of the operations is incomprehensible.

As Beatrice Baselgia, Vice-President of the Puk, the Commission found no evidence of violence on the part of Quadroni. That the man could be dangerous, based ultimately only on the evaluation of the Post-chief of the cantonal police on the spot. According to the Puk, the tray is missing, the police know for the assessment of whether a Person is dangerous or not.

In connection with the arrest of only the police but is not in the criticism. The district doctor was of the opinion that the Puk is able to a unbiased and independent assessment. The Kesb is criticized, because she had opened, in spite of repeated Inclusion at any time a formal procedure about the family Quadroni.

threat management

Due to the knowledge gained in the Puk makes a series of proposals and recommendations. Is stimulated the introduction of a cantonal threat management, and other topics relating to the documentation of the action in the administrative or management responsibility at the cantonal police.

The Puk-report is placed in the December session of the Great Council of the Canton of Graubünden to the attention of and discussed. And already on (tomorrow) Wednesday it goes in the topic. The graubünden cantonal government announced a media orientation, the study results of an external specialist will be presented to the events around Adam Quadroni.

the work of The five-member, and the first of the Grisons Puk at all has not ended with the publication of the part report. You will report later in connection with the cartel agreements, such as the offices and leaders in the construction, transport and forestry Department of behavior. When this work will be completed is still to be determined. (SDA)

Created: 26.11.2019, 09:58 PM