in Human-caused climate emissions must be turned to fall immediately and the fall must be steep. Thus, the lines of the UN environment programme, unep’s recent report.

It turns out that emissions development and jointly agreed climate objectives between the rampant bloody size of the gap.

in Recent years, greenhouse gas emissions were at the top level, more than 55 giga-tonnes of emissions growth is now an average of 1.5 percent every year, emissions should decline by 7.6% every year until 2030, if countries want to the path for which the average temperature rises just 1.5 degrees to the end of the century pre-industrial period the promises that countries are now given, led to more than a three-degree average temperature rise by 2100

the intergovernmental panel on climate change Ipcc warn of a year ago suurraportissaan that a 1.5 degree limit exceeded, accelerates extreme weather events, including record heat and storms, density and volume.

the Paris climate agreement aim is to limit global average temperature rise well below two degrees and to aim for 1.5 degrees in the end of the century.

the UN environment program Unep estimated that a 1.5 ° c target for global annual emissions should press for the 25 gt by 2030. The paris climate agreement in the context of the countries provide climate commitments would result, if implemented, around 56 gt emissions. The graphics in the estimates presented are the median of. Mikko Airikka / YleTavoite is getting out, but the largest in the world do not care about

Emissions Gap report create pressure on the UN climate negotiations, which begin in early December in Madrid. Negotiations are approaching a critical phase. During the next year countries is scheduled to announce its own climate action their significant tightening.

the Unep report, according to nykysitoumukset should be triple, if the world countries want to keep the two degree target required by the path. The 1.5-degree target would mean action five-fold increase in the quantity present.

Time is of the essence, pointed to unep’s director of the Inger Andersen .

If we do not act now, the 1.5-degree target to slip away before the year 2030, he said.

still life in the climate negotiations are clearly more difficult than another decade in the mid of the Paris climate agreement at the time.

the united states has started the president of Donald Trump under the leadership of the official exit from the treaty of Paris. The difference is due to come into force a year from 4. on November 2020, i.e. the turn through the United states in the next presidential election.

the united states is causing the world’s second largest emissions immediately after China. Per capita us emissions are clearly the largest in the world.

at the Same time, china’s emissions have turned to a new rise in the central government to revive the overall slowdown in the economy in the traditional chimney industry. China alone produces around a quarter of global emissions.

the Report highlights that china’s emissions per capita are already overtaken the EU average. A big slice of China’s industrial emissions are generated, however, the country’s manufacturing in the products that are consumed, for example in the EU.

renewable energy has surprised forecasters

the Report is easy to see that the people downhill towards destruction and drag the earth with it.

the Situation is not, however, thoroughly gloomy. While states scramble to climate policy, many cities, states and companies to contribute to climate action pace.

the Youth climate movement has been activated across the world, which contributed to create pressure on the decision-makers on the shoulders and on the other hand, provides a backrest for the big decisions.

according to the Report, also technological development will bring a glimmer of enlightenment: in Particular, renewable energy cheaper loss have surprised earlier forecasts.

the solar electricity production cost has dropped to 77% in 2010–2018Maalle to build wind power has become less expensive in the same time more than a third (-35 %)offshore wind power generation cost has decreased more than a fifth (-21 %)

Solar and onshore wind power are already globally the cheapest way to produce energy, when comparing new investment in electricity production.

the Next year they will be able to compete on price also, existing coal power plants.

It is already visible, so that new coal plants will be built less, some projects are cancelled and some old plants have been closed prematurely become unprofitable.

according to the Report, the recipe for a carbon-free economy is well known. First you have to change all the produced electricity co2-free as. After that, in industry, heating and transport must switch to clean electricity – fossil oil, coal and natural gas hölväämiseen instead.

the united nations demands from the rich countries, leadership

Unep pushes, particularly of the largest economies of the G20 group of countries up to speed.

the Report pointed out that the G20 countries are responsible for the lion’s share of global emissions. Still among the countries which are not properly implemented by even the old climate promises to.

These “watch-grade” are Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, South Korea, South Africa and the united states.

the Report gives country-specific recommendations for climate action to boost.

the united states is presented, inter alia, carbon emissions pricing in the California example way both zero-emission cars progress.

the EU, in turn, should, for example, to tighten the emissions trading and to accelerate the coal power to wind down.

China should ban new coal-fired power plants construction. The country’s power production should be cleaned of carbon dioxide from renewable energy and nuclear power.

the Report calculates that renewable energy, energy efficiency as well as heating and transport electrification the could cut emissions by around 16 gt by 2050.

It would help a lot already.

see also:

the Human race will solve years – filed a report: global warming can be limited to 1.5 degrees celsius, if emissions are reset at record speed

china’s emissions turned again to a new rise, the reason for the chimney recovery – increasing Pressure of the New York climate summit

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