12’000 Swiss francs base compensation in the year instead of 4000 francs, 220 francs per session instead of 200 and 8100 francs for expenses instead of 2800 francs: That is, the vertices of the compensation regulation, which of the cantonal Parliament has discussed in its own thing today, Monday. A new insurance solution: The compensation and the attendance fees to be insured AHV -, and IUC -. In total, the annual cost for the Zurich cantonal Parliament to increase from 5.3 million to 8.8 million.

all of This is to ensure that the members of Parliament are no gaps in the AHV and pension Fund arise. And it should satisfy your political work better than before.

net 6000 francs

the Zurich cantonal Parliament, members will receive today, including expenses, gross and an average of 24’000 Swiss francs in the year. This amount will be increased to about 39’000 Swiss francs (plus 63 percent), which is high compared to national politicians little. National councils to come to 130’000, Ständeräte to around 150’000 Swiss francs. Net of expenses the Zurich politicians are likely to be added to about 26’000 to 20’000 Swiss francs. Many have to make substantial contributions to the parties.

The last adjustment to the compensation is 18 years, said Benno Scherrer (GLP), represented as a spokesman for the template of the Executive Committee of the Council. It is a matter of wage defaults in the ancestral compensate for the work and to avoid gaps in the social insurance. A member of the Parliament’s mandate corresponds to a 30-percent-of employment.

in Front of people or not?

SVP, group President Martin Pretty said, he acknowledged the need for action. To him, it strut, but to see the political mandate as a Job. He pleaded for a smaller basic compensation of 8400 francs. This would come to a ratio of a third of base compensation and two-thirds allowance instead of 40 to 60 percent. “Hold Mass, not overdo it,” he warned the Council. Also was bothered by the Handsome, because the compensation can not be in front of people, which is why he has submitted on the appropriate Initiative.

Ruedi Lais (SP) countered that the SVP had had for 18 years. Scherrer recalled that the cantonal Parliament, the law was revised last spring, and the SVP had the opportunity for their wishes to be attached. Lais acknowledged that the template was “uncomfortable”, because it comes to their own compensation. However, it is important for the militia system. “Many can afford otherwise a member of the Parliament’s mandate little more.” The members of the national Council had a similar time as those of the Kantonsrats, received but six times.

Markus Bischoff (AL) said, the SVP wool calm down with your 8400-francs-a proposal from only one’s own Conscience. He recalled that the Parliament of the Canton is the first violence in the state, which local councillors – with more than 330’000 Swiss francs in wages, as well as the courts – with judges, up to 240’000 Swiss francs – supervise and over a 15-billion in wages determined Budget.

Less than day care costs

the fact that Selected would not have to complain of too great a financial failure, said Beatrix Frey-Eigenmann (FDP). With this compromise, the principle remained that people from Conviction and not from financial reasons, to engage in Parliament.

Michael witness (GLP) said, Parliament will always be younger and female. As not could it be that the session is rich in money, for the payment of the foreign care of two children. Esther Guyer (Green) added, with the new compensation, you don’t have to apologize at home for the big time, the you bar. They described the increase as “not luxurious”.

“If you pay
you will have
monkeys.”Daniel Sommer (EPP)

Yvonne Bürgin (CVP) noted that many municipalities have increased the remuneration of Authorities, since the requirements of the militia politicians are increased. Markus Späth (SP), who himself is a municipal Council in Feuerthalen, said, in a number of bourgeois-dominated communities of higher compensation would be paid to the local politicians, if you compare the expense. The Moody’s most award EPP-husband Daniel summer: “If you pay peanuts you will have monkeys brought.” Analogy: Who pays too little, gets the poorer quality.

“Exorbitant and indecent increase”

A minority of the SVP turned generally against higher compensation, garnished with pithy words. Orlando Wyss spoke of the “exorbitant and indecent increase,” Hans-Peter Amrein of rip-off mentality to a “distant political caste”. Stefan Schmid conjectured, that the increase would be moderate failed, if the template would be a referendum capable of.

On the Tirade of the SVP politician enervierte green party President Guyer replicated, you should donate your compensation to “a SVP-Foundation or so”, if they are too high. In addition, she noted with pleasure, some SVPler had written secretly to you, to ensure that the Left tilts in the wage increase.

“If the compensation
too high
donate to the money , however,
to a SVP-Foundation.”Esther Guyer (Green)

Today, the cantonal Parliament debated the template, which was adopted in the Executive Committee unanimously in the first reading. A limitation of the basic compensation in the case of 8400 francs (instead of 12’000) 120 was rejected against 49 votes, two green, liberal, voted with the SVP. Martin Pretty had said in the run-up to the SVP-group for the final vote, which comes in the new year, voting has decided to release.

A note on the Opposition, the vote on the Occur on the template provided. There 9 of 49 members of the SVP/EDU group no. The wage increase will come in the 180-member Parliament so loosely by.

Created: 25.11.2019, 15:05 PM