the seats Occupied during the Sunday elections to the Small chamber, the two Aargau, the second Schwyzer seat and the only seat of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft. (Click here for the news-Ticker).

SVP conquered the Aargau seat back

In the Canton of Aargau in the national councils, Thierry Burkart (FDP), and Hans-jörg Knecht (SVP) have been chosen in the second round of new in the Council of States . The choice missed Marianne Binder-Keller (CVP) and Ruth Müri (Green).

servant of the Aargau SVP recaptured her 2011, the SP lost the Council of States seat. The 44-year-old Thierry Burkart be achieved with 99’372 votes, the best result of the four Candidates. 73’692 votes of the 59-year-old Hans-jörg Knecht was elected to the Council of States. Burkart and servant were already in the first ballot at the front and were considered the favorites.

Video: Burkart and servant in Aargau with joy at the Civil in the Canton of Aargau: The national councils Thierry Burkart (FDP), and Hans-jörg Knecht (SVP) elected have been elected in the second attempt in the Council of States. (Video: SDA-Keystone)

No choice opportunities were the two women. The 61-year-old Marianne Binder-Keller, cantonal party President and Grossrätin, received 61’657 votes. She was at 20. October in the national Council has been elected. The 49-year-old Ruth Müri, Grossrätin the Green and councillor of Baden, won 58’754 votes. The turnout in the runoff election fraud 37,35 percent.

Maya Graf is the first woman for Basel-country

The Canton of Basel-Landschaft with Maya Graf (Green) for the first time, a woman in the Council of States. The former national councillor, scored 2093 votes more than her rival Daniela Schneeberger (FDP).

The 57-year-old Maya Graf made in the second ballot, 32’581 votes, your 52-year-old rival Daniela Schneeberger (FDP) 30’488 votes. Thus, Maya Graf, who is a member of the national Council since 2001 and this is the first Green 2012/2013 presided, the successor of the assigned social Democrats, Claude Janiak is.

The voter turnout was 35 percent. Since Graf was elected to the Council of States, the district administrator and secondary teacher, Florence Brenzikofer as the first up-and-coming at the end of their seat in the national Assembly to take over.

return of the CVP in the Canton of Schwyz

In the Canton of Schwyz, returns to the CVP after an eight year break in the Council of States. The Voters gave in the second ballot, Othmar Reichmuth (CVP) in preference to Pirmin Schwander (SVP). Reichmuth, replacing the departing Peter hair dryer (SVP).

the Director of planning Reichmuth received 23’359 votes, national councillor Schwander 21’338 votes. For the living in Poland Swiss citizen living Abroad, Honorata Züger 870 people voted. The turnout share of 43.91 per cent. In the first ballot of 20. October of the Previous Alex Kuprecht (SVP) was confirmed as the Council of States.

The composition of the Council of States

Thus the Small chamber as follows (see graph).


Created: 24.11.2019, 15:05 PM