With a record turnout in the district elections and a strong win for democratic candidates has strengthened Hong Kong’s population, the protest movement of the back. As the election Commission announced on Sunday night, the turnout at about 71 percent. 2.9 million of the 4.1 million eligible voters in Hong Kong gave their votes – as many as never before. The counting started immediately after closure of the polling stations. As the Hong Kong newspaper “South China Morning Post” reported, accounted for during the current counting on Monday morning, significantly more than half of the 452 district Council post on democratic candidates.

loyal to the government camp, which had won in the previous options in 2015, about three-quarters of the mandates, broke massively, and first came on 42 Items.

for the First time in months, the Chinese special administrative region experienced a weekend with no large demonstrations and riots. Instead, queues in front of polling stations were formed on Sunday in a long time.

In the past years had attracted only little attention. The district Council has little political Power. He managed a part of the public budget and is for tasks such as Recycling, transportation, and health care. The councils may adopt no laws, and no call make values decisions. This year the choice applies, but as an important test. The result could give an indication of how much support the head of government, Carrie Lam, after six months of mass protests in the population.

The 23-year-old Wong had been disqualified

Many observers described the election as a kind of Referendum for the Pro-democracy movement, which calls for more participation in the city. The high turnout on Sunday scored some of the observers already considered to be a positive Signal for the Pro-democracy movement. The well-known activist and founder of the Pro-democracy party Demosist?, Joshua Wong, said before the election, he hope that the democratic movement is to conquer the half of the seats. The 23-Year-old self was not allowed to compete. Wong had been disqualified as the sole candidate.

The election was largely peaceful. After the protests last increasingly violent, had considered the government, the choice to cancel, but then decided against it. In the run-up to had spoken to politicians from both Camps for execution. Agitation triggered on Sunday, briefly rumors in social media that the polling stations could prematurely close. Some Hong Kong were then already early in the morning, went to choose. It is addressed to the Minister for mainland Affairs, Patrick Nip Tak-kuen, on Sunday, the confidence in the Hong Kong authorities to be “relatively low”. In some places, the unlawful election interference was expressed.

the grounds of the Polytechnic University was surrounded on Sunday by the police. For seven days of radical protesters occupying the University, it had come a week ago to severe clashes with the police. Away from the University, the police held back but with your presence.

head of government Lam expressed in their voting in the hope that the relative calm of the past few days stop. “I hope that this kind of stability and tranquility is only for the today’s elections,” she said. It should rather show everyone that you can come out of this Dilemma and a new beginning wool.

In Hong Kong, demonstrating for more than six months for more democratic participation and against the growing influence of Beijing in the special administrative region. Triggered the protests had plans for an extradition agreement with China. This had to drag the government to the mass demonstrations. Meanwhile, the movement is calling for an investigation into the police violence and for free elections.

Created: 24.11.2019, 23:10 PM