The pro-democratic camp in the district elections in Hong Kong broad backing of the population and a clear victory. You will assume the control of all the district councils of the Chinese special administrative region.

the First results showed, that the Democrats have at least won 388 of 452 seats. At the preceding election in 2015, the government had loyalty and brought in fixed-Beijing holding camp, three-quarters of the mandates, and since then, all the 18 district councils controlled.

Hong Kong’s chief Secretary Carrie Lam said in a first statement, that the government will respect the results of the election and that they “will listen open-minded to the views of the people”. She hopes that the peace and the security and order there.

The elections should not have consequences in political practice, as the district councils of the city have the Power and neither pass laws nor any significant decisions. They advise the government and make suggestions on how the quality of life in the city can be improved.

the choice of dominant bearing seats obtained in the 1200-member election Committee, which elects all five years of the Hong Kong government chief. In the body, however, is to ensure that at the end of always the Beijing’s favored candidate wins.

cheering on the streets

after midnight, the first official results were announced, broke out in some polling stations cheers: chants with “Free Hong Kong – Revolution now” were heard – a Slogan of many demonstrators on the streets in the last half of the year, while the ever-more violent protests in the special management zone. “This is the Power of democracy. This is a democratic Tsunami,” said Tommy Cheung, a former student protest leader who was able to win a seat in the district of Yuen Long, near the Chinese border for themselves.

452 city councils in 18 districts were Selected. According to the tangled, Beijing defined electoral system, seats in the city Council can lead to a total of 117 votes in the election Committee. This, in turn, determines the Hong Kong head of government. The district Council manages a portion of the public money and is, among other things, for Recycling, transportation and health care.

record attendance

With a record turnout of more than 71 percent, the Hong Kong underlined their desire for real democracy and political changes. As the election Commission announced, issued 2.94 million of the 4.1 million eligible voters in Hong Kong cast their votes. In the municipal elections four years ago, the turnout was only 47 percent.

The vote result is a clear message to Beijing and a defeat for the Communist party supported the head of government, Carrie Lam. Because the choice had already been in the run-up as a Referendum it considered whether the implied motion is a majority in the metropolis after almost six months of protest behind the Anti-government.

a Quiet weekend

Since the handover to China in 1997, the former British crown colony, according to the principle of “one country, two systems” under Chinese sovereignty autonomously governed. The seven million Hong Kong people to enjoy, unlike the people in the people’s Republic, many rights, such as freedom of Assembly and expression, the fear you now but.

for the First time in months, the Chinese special administrative region experienced a weekend with no large demonstrations and riots. Instead, queues in front of polling stations were formed on Sunday in a long time. (roy/sda/reuters)

Created: 25.11.2019, 01:20 PM