Mary Ann Evans, the real Name of George Eliot, is the daughter of an estate Manager age on 22. November, 1819 born in the village of Chilvers Coton, in the English County of Warwickshire. Their early education is strictly religious. After the death of the mother, she worried for her father in the household. In 1841 she moved with him to Coventry. There you comes with free intellectual Thinking and radical ideas in contact, losing their Orthodox Faith, and refuses henceforth to visit the Church. Nevertheless, performance of duty, conscientious, include Action and Generosity continue to your ethical principles.

The Winter of 1849/1850 she spends in Geneva, where she lives in the house of the painter François d’Albert-Durade, the well your well-known portrait is. After her return, she settled in London as a writer, works as editor of the “Westminster Review” and meets many celebrities Lite.

In October, 1851, she met the journalist George Henry Lewes, who left his wife because of adultery. Divorced, he can never be, Mary Ann lives in public with him and offends so self-consciously against the Victorian moral code.

Seven novels

The Couple lives, regardless of the malicious gossip, happily until Lewes’ death in December 1878. Lewes encouraged to write to his partner: in 1858, appear in “Scenes of Clerical Life” under a male Pseudonym, George Eliot.

In the result, published between 1859 and 1876 seven novels: “Adam Bede”, a pastoral classic the English literature ; “The Mill on The Floss”, the psychologically subtle portrait of a young woman seeking to free themselves from the shackles of a provincial Convention; “Silas Marner”, the story of a wrongly suspected of Weber’s; “Romola”, in the Italian Renaissance the end of the game historical narrative; “Felix Holt the Radical”, a novel about the political turmoil of the Reform Bill of 1832, “Middlemarch,” a study of provincial life; and “Daniel Deronda”, a social Satire that revolves around the position of the Jews in England. In 1880 George Eliot married twenty years younger banker John Walter Cross. Shortly after their wedding trip to Italy, dies 61-year-old in London.

Narrative sophistication

George Eliot’s masterpiece is, without a doubt, “”Middlemarch,” a masterly composed novel, along several intricately intertwined plot strands and interconnected groups of people in the English province of the mid-19th century. Century; to be more precise: in the rural environment of a fictional small town in the Midlands.

With narrative sophistication, the author brings a colorful company of traders, craftsmen, doctors, landlords, clergy, and scholars to life, whose fates intersect against the Backdrop of social and political upheaval, and intertwine.

In the centre of the idealist stand-minded Dorothea Brooke, and the ambitious young doctor, Tertius Lydgate. Dorothea marries the feeling of cold and suspicious pedant Edward Casaubon, the struggling unsuccessfully with a abstruse religious-philosophical work. She hoped for from him spiritual guidance. Their disillusionment is inevitable; you will find but after Casaubons death of your happiness with the politically engaged Bohémien Will Ladislaw.

life as a maze

Lydgate fight for medical progress and develops innovative therapeutic ideas on a scientific basis, but is worn down by ill-wishers, colleagues, and the lack of understanding of his spoiled wife, Rosamond, and needs to bury his big ambitions. In addition to the two protagonists, we learn a fascinating gallery of sharp yet compassionate, drawn, in many conflicts involved characters.

The novel tells the story of the Failure of high Ideals, of disastrous marriages, and human shortcomings. He portrays life as a maze, in which the individual is tripping over his own weaknesses or of his narrow-minded surroundings is slowed down. And yet, the Conviction penetrates to the conclusion that the struggle of individual idealists against adverse circumstances is futile and benevolence, Forbearance, and compassion will triumph over others: “the growth of The Good in the world depends in a certain degree of unhistorischen deeds, and that things are not ordered so bad, we owe a large part of those who have faithfully lived a life in Secret and in tombs to rest, which no one visited.”

Relentless fluoroscopy of the characters

After the publication of “Middlemarch” is George Eliot at the height of their glory, which also makes them financially independent; it is recognised in England as the greatest writer of your time and from your readers adored. The relentless manner, it is the essence of their characters and their moral and emotional Dilemma is something New in the English novel literature of its time, and anticipating what Joseph Conrad and D. H. Lawrence, and continue to develop.

Why you should side today a 1000, soon to be 150 year old novel about English provincial read? Well, simply because we have to do it with a grandiose Panorama of the English province to 1830, and revived with the dramatic scenes, which are equipped with colored characters and pointedly with polished dialogues, all presented in a vivid and precise language. And not least of all because it is selfless idealists, pedantic bore, corrupt bankers and the jealous envy of mutton anywhere, at any time, and probably always will be.

“Middlemarch” appeared in a new translation by Melanie Walz (Rowohlt, Hamburg 2019, 1264 PP., approx. 55 Fr).

Created: 21.11.2019, 10:47 PM