Yle news schools paid activity has provoked a lively debate on social media.

on Wednesday published a story in was told that the deputy ombudsman has become in recent years the number of complaints schools paid activity.

the Deputy ombudsman, said in October its solutions, that the basic education provided free of charge is unequivocal.

the Parents not to ask for money from individual students for excursions. Money, however, may collect, if the money is used, for example, all of the class pupils.

the essential voluntariness and equality

the board of education intends to update its guidance on school excursions and camp schools free of charge neutrality. Board of education lawyer Laura Francke answered the questions of the schools paid activity.

1. In what kind of situations schools can ask for money from parents?

the School can collect money for excursions and camp schools. Collection participation will be voluntary for children and caregivers. Collected money should be used for all children to participate regardless of whether the child or parent participated in the raising of financial resources. The money can not be, therefore, earmarked for a specific student.

the School may also decide that the trip is not made at all and they collect the money.

the Third option is that the school will organize a free of charge trip.

2. How the board of education take a class trip fund accumulation, for example, so that parents pay categories account for 10 euros or 20 euros a month?

the Money collected should be on a voluntary basis. Basically, the money can be collected other than voluntary work by making.

3. Does the teacher ask parents, are we ready to commit to a field trip fund accumulation?

All school activities, the starting point should be provided free of charge. Schools need to take into account free of charges in addition to equality principles.

the school of practice not to increase direct or indirect inequality. For example, if the class context of the parent-teacher conference will be asked, does everyone agree to collect the money, it may stigmatize some students.

4. What if two of my students ‘ parents don’t pay, how then do?

They can not then obliged to pay. The money raised will, however, be used for all pupils.

Action, which is part of the teaching and is enshrined in the school year plan, will be free of charge.Kalle Purhonen / Yle

5. What if the kids say that they don’t want to go pay for the trip?

lesson organizer is important to prepare in advance the concrete rules of the game on a field trip and camp school and inform the parents. Pupils and parents should know in advance of collecting money for a certain event or in a common fund, which is used for the good of all along the school year.

of Course, students can refuse to go along for the ride. Others can then participate, as long as the money is collected in the common treasury.

6. Is it acceptable that the school pay for their students ‘ journey, which parents are unable to pay for excursions?

Parents and children can work together to collect some trip money, and the school can give jointly used to fund some amount. Together with the funds raised can be paid also, for example, the teacher’s expenses or the school can pay the teacher’s expenses.

7. If the exercise day is a variety of alternative programs, whether it’s appropriate that the free option alongside the is also a paid tour option?

it’s Not. Free software is not the right to arrange chargeable trips, which every single student pay for itself.

8. What should I do if the class trip fund has already accumulated parents paying and some of the students have opted out of the trip outside?

These are the practical arrangements of teaching the organizer should think about in advance. I’m a woman is that it is the field trip part of the school activities and recorded in plan. Such activities will be free of charge.

not Everyone, of course, always according to, can be some surprising obstacles. Of course, others can then go on a trip.

9. Whether school-based clubs that make the paid trips?

Depends on what kind of club you have and whether the activities of the club recorded in the school annual plan. If so, the operation will be free of charge.

the School cannot, however, circumvent the free independence by the establishment of clubs. School premises to any other parties, organize clubs, and then their activity can also be chargeable. Primary creation is provided for morning and afternoon payments.

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