The photos plays a former groom of Paul estermann to the media, shaking each animal friend. To see a blood-wounds-strewn horse’s belly was.

This is the Mare Castlefield Eclipse who had participated under the Lucerne squad riders at the 2012 Olympic Games in London and at the world Cup 2014 in Caen. At the European Championships 2015 in Aachen, Germany won Team Bronze.

On Tuesday, the show jumping rider now because of multiple offence against the animal law for the protection of the district court of Willisau and was not confessed: “I like working and am a very long time with horses, and certainly no animal cruelty.” He fought back, and in front of this instance against the decision of the Prosecutor’s office Sursee, which had convicted him in September because of animal cruelty. The judge came in the afternoon after three and a half hours of negotiations, still no verdict. This is expected in the next five days, and the parties, in writing, opened.

defense wants to free saying

ester man occupied was after more than two years of investigation by the criminal command with a conditional fine of 90 daily rates of 160 Swiss francs and a fine of 3600 francs. In addition, the 56 must-Year-old the costs of the proceedings, and his lawyer pay for. The defense called for an acquittal.

As the authority, in a message, wrote a number of occasions, they believed that, “the fact that the Accused in April 2016 in Hildisrieden, Switzerland, the Mare with a dressage whip will know, and deliberately struck several times violently and excessively against the flanks and the lower abdomen”. According to the Letter, the Accused should have beaten “in an analogous manner, a second horse in such a way and hurt.” This is Lord Pepsi.

The Swiss Association for horse sports (SVPS) had been in the process behind estermann and want to meet in the case of a conviction by final judgment of a rider “if necessary measures”.

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Created: 20.11.2019, 09:02 PM