how have the meetings in your name? Because many of the sessions as penalties to the touch, it is to serve. Surveys indicate that about half of the session, participants will be dissatisfied. Even managers say that most of the sessions are free of charge. But not for free, because of the associated loss of productivity costs money. And yet companies least companies something about it. “Productivity is sacred to us,” say Business men. However, in many sessions, the turns out to be a business tale.

Why we create the sessions and then not easy, as Elon Musk? The Tesla chief waives Meetings, as long as there is no urgent Problem. But it is not. Meetings serve not only to inform, to decide and to solve problems, but they have a social function. People like to work together, and you want to know, with whom you have it. Not by E-Mail and not via Skype. In addition, we no longer live in the industrial age, where a gives the instructions and the other to run. We want to be no command receiver, we want to have a say. This is good for our Motivation, and good for our Ego.

We’re not going to come to meetings. But we need to do better. And we can – if we follow the basics of good meetings.

Before the meeting

your goal is, and it takes really a session? A lot of boring, unnecessary, unproductive meetings would not take place, if all the meeting leader would ask this question. Because many tasks can be better alone to solve. If a Meeting is really necessary: Share the goal – or goals – in a timely manner, so that all may prepare to adjust. People show more commitment, if you know what. By the way: If only the boss or the Boss sets the goals, has been brewing some of it in Secret. Turn off and on box a piece of paper, in the issue for upcoming meetings, anonymous can be inserted.

it’s Not a Must, but especially for longer sessions helpful: Andes, a meeting agenda, with tract, times, names of those responsible and the essential key words to each Item. An Agenda during the meeting-orientation. But above all, it forces you to plan the session meticulously. And planning is known to be an essential feature of a good work , as you can read here. Also, meetings without an Agenda can work, team meetings, or information meetings. But only with a clear objective, a clear time frame and a sovereign session management. Otherwise, start talking.

you Choose for your session to the right place. Which depends on type of session and of the corporate culture. For the team meeting at a hip Internet Start-ups in the corner of the sofa is suitable. For the Board of Directors meeting of a insurance. The shape of space and organization shapes the thoughts that arise therein. Important: The session room should be pleasant but not too pleasant. Many companies make their ugliest rooms to rooms Meeting. Since all the way then want to quickly. And you can tell. Other to make your most beautiful rooms to rooms Meeting. Since then want to stay all the longer. Also, you will notice that.

needs A perfect meeting participants, not spectators. Invite you, therefore, not simply all, but the one that can contribute something and want. If something needs to be decided, then the decision must be makers. Sounds obvious, but unfortunately often not so. Also, keep in mind that it will hold meetings of their individual Work. Download only for the session when all the Participants have enough time to do that. Long-winded strategy workshops, while the pending pile? Painful.

group size
Also, the number of participants should be well thought out. The appropriate group size depends on the type of session. For pure information, there’s meetings, no upper limit. If, however, thought of, and created you want to communicate, so is it from a dozen difficult. Try also meetings with voluntary attendance, or with a limited number of seats. Anyone who comes to volunteer, want to contribute something. The places are scarce, so the need to be allowed to participate increases.

do you Know why politicians hold their most important meetings, preferably at night? Or why bankers like to start meetings at 06.30 am? I also don’t. In any case, not because the are the better choices. The optimal time for meetings is between 9 and 17 o’clock. From a biological, practical and social reasons.

most of The meetings will be blindly set to one hour. Schedule instead of 25 minutes, or 50, or, if it must be, 90. Or maybe only 15. Time pressure increases the productivity and reduces chatter. Longer than one and a half hours meetings should not take, because, creativity, and concentration to a much. Longer is only useful if the participants have to travel from far away. A plan for long sessions plenty of breaks, every 50 minutes for 10 minutes.

During the meeting

session management
meetings are led, even when, officially, hierarchy-free meetings. Leadership does not mean dictatorship. They treat the participants like adults, then they behave as such. It is no less important, by whom a session is routed, as as. Traditionally, the chief or the Boss leads. If you are the Give you the session management often times, so that the other can learn. Not a Must, but a Should: the Protocol. If the session had an important goal (otherwise you wouldn’t have done it, Yes), then it is worth the effort. Because people tend to be the Discussed with the step through the door to forget.

The starting
Start on time and stop on time. Make sure it has a good opening. “We will start with agenda Item one” is not an inspiring Start. They remind rather of the common objective and why this is important. They provide an open, friendly atmosphere.

follow the Agenda, but do not throw your. When an important Item needs a little more time than planned, continue thus. If it takes much more time, postpone it. But declare and justify your decision, and let the Derailing of the Agenda, not the rule.

The rules
drinks Yes, food no. Except in the case of long sessions, but only occasionally and not in Excess. In principle, the following applies: mobile phone and Laptop stay in the bag, because Whatsapp is strong, and the will is weak. Do you have to be a little Distracted against civil disobedience: late, indifference, dominance behaviour and inappropriate language. Sounds like primary school? Exactly, and you should, therefore, like a good teacher, respect, respond: a full and in moderation, but rapidly and systematically. Meetings are not the place for individual criticism, unless you want to intimidate.

The conversation
As a session Manager or session Manager, you should make sure that all have a say, not just the Loud. You give the word, or let all the number of to speak. Speak clearly, understandable, logical, and respectful. You can not just like that, you have to practice. Practice active listening: to understand, to process the answers. The Exercise needs.

A good session needs a good conclusion. Everyone needs to know what to do. All of the tract should Andean done, all questions will be answered – or it should be clarified why they are left open and what is being done in sequence. The meeting is finished earlier? All of them are satisfied. The session lasts longer? All of them are mad. Who covers with no trouble, the lack of planning. Or to respect.

The session is done, you have achieved your goals. But what is the most important result is? Not the decisions, not the information – but the mood, the session ends. Depends on how everyone will work for themselves. Who comes annoyed and humiliated in a session, works annoyed and humiliated more. Therefore, each session should be led to an emotionally positive, coherent statements. Then, the Participants are motivated and in a good mood back to your work. And perhaps secretly already to the next meeting.

Created: 20.11.2019, 12:36 PM