The destruction of the rain forest in the Amazon region progresses as fast as the last more than ten years ago. Between August 2018 and July 2019, nearly 10’000 square kilometers of forest were cut down. This is according to the Brazilian space Institute Inpe, the highest value since 2008, when just under 13’lost 000 square kilometers of rain forest.

In comparison to the prior-year period, deforestation increased by almost 30 percent, as the analysis of satellite images has revealed. A larger rise was the last time more than twenty years ago and only twice, since the Inpe, in 1988, began with the measurements.

The latest Figures are shocking, and the fit into the picture. Since 2012, the deforestation of the rain forest is increasing almost continuously, after in the previous years, an encouraging decline was observed. In order to clarify the extent of the destruction: The 10’000 square kilometers of forest that were deforested within one year, equivalent to a quarter of the area of Switzerland.

For the recent development of the environmental organization WWF, makes the ultra-right, the Brazilian President responsible. Since Jair Bolsonaro has begun in January, his office, is he, because of his environmental policy international criticism. He is accused of, to be in favour of the commercial exploitation of protected Amazon areas. Bolsonaro is closely allied with the Brazilian agricultural lobby, and questioned the responsibility of the people for climate change.

“The new Figures show that deforestation is in the Amazon completely out of control. This does not happen by chance but is a direct consequence of the government Bolsonaro, the protected areas and indigenous territories, de facto for launch has been released,” said a spokesman for WWF. This development must be stopped, “urgent”.

The rain forest is getting burned more and cleared of trees: deforestation in the Brazilian state of Rondônia. Photo: Copernicus Sentinel Data, edited by Pierre Markuse (Flickr)

especially livestock breeders, like the fire, to clear Land, to the after that your cattle can graze. Farmers destroy illegal rainforest to use the land for soy cultivation. (Read here why Swiss traders to benefit from forest fires in the Amazon.) Since the inauguration of President Bolsonaro, the speed of deforestation according to Inpe data is multiplied.

Not in the current statistics, the wide destruction, which have caused the forest fires of August and September is included. It is the worst in the Amazon region since the year 2010. And they were presumably placed a large portion of people.

For environmentalists, the new Numbers are another sign of alarm. Because the Amazon rainforest is considered the “lungs of the earth” and it plays in the global climate has a vital role. He saves huge amounts of climate-damaging greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. The Brazilian government should not change your attitude would be thrown back to the environment for 30 years, warns the WWF.


Created: 19.11.2019, 16:00 clock