The case has the Federal office of justice (BJ) since this summer. The BJ refuses to currently have any information about him. Known: The U.S. Department of justice requested the YEAR in June, to put a Chinese nationals in Switzerland in extradition detention. Bern responded immediately. 13. In June this YEAR issued an arrest warrant. The police were able to locate the man in the Valais and pick up. There it sits since then in detention pending extradition.

The Chinese began to set after his arrest against the simplified procedure for extradition to the USA for the military. So, the U.S. Department of justice, increased the pressure. 22. In July, the U.S. Embassy in Bern informed the BJ, in the United States, an adhesion of existing command and a bill of indictment against the man. The Hong Kong resident Chinese acquired between October 2018 and January 2019, in the USA, various device: enhanced night-vision goggles; a non-fatal, point of view, interrupting the Laser, in technical language also Blender is called; a target exposure pointer; and a four-zinc-mouth adapter.

The Chinese to declare their purchases as toys and a purchase value of $ 100 have been reported.

According to the American representation of the man bought a at the American offshoot of Ebay and tried to send the goods then to Hong Kong. For this, he would have needed a permit, complained to the U.S. Department of justice. Instead, he had given to the sellers and Express company, he was in the US, and have delivered to domestic delivery addresses.

From there, should have been sent orders, thanks to a special customer ID number as the Express mail to him directly to Hong Kong. The U.S. Department of justice, makes the Chinese more owning. So he declared his purchases as toys and a purchase value of $ 100 have been reported. The USA accuse him of money laundering actions.

court criticized Seco

So that Switzerland can comply with an extradition request must be from the applicant state crimes detected also in Switzerland, is liable to prosecution. In the case of the Chinese, the BJ turned to the state Secretariat for economic Affairs (Seco). The Seco should be clarified in a report, whether it was in the case of the arrestees purchased goods according to the Swiss law of war material, without authorisation not be exported may be. Seco gave the US justice law that a licensing requirement would have passed.

“After what has been said for the delivery of the necessary criminal liability is not.”Appeals chamber of the Federal court

On the basis of the Seco-met Expertise is granted, the BJ on the 22. August the delivery of the Chinese in the United States. But this fight before the Federal criminal court against the decision and was sometimes claimed that he was politically Persecuted. The appeals chamber of the Federal criminal court protecting its appeal now. The court openly criticized the work of the Seco.

In its decision from 28. October writes: “The Letter of the Seco is not a real justification, to remove which is why the individual objects falling under the subject to licence categories. In the future, a detailed justification would be welcome.” Also the offence of money laundering was not fulfilled. “According to the above, for the delivery of the necessary criminal liability is not available,” the court said.

The BJ sees it differently. It has challenged the decision before the Federal court, as a spokeswoman confirmed. For the man from China, means that he remains up to the Federal court decision in extradition detention. Information on the case, don’t want to give the BJ. There are many questions to be answered. How did Switzerland, the husband is in the Canton of Valais? Why is the Chinese politically? The arrested is a member of the Hong Kong protest movement?

read now more about the civil war-like situation on the streets of Hong Kong.

Created: 18.11.2019, 13:27 PM