the Iraqi military intelligence chief to promise Iran that all the Iraqi army, the intelligence is a neighboring country available. The united states previously worked with iraqi spies to change en masse the Iranian side.

And the Iraqi prime minister Adil Abdul-Might is the “special relationship” with Iran.

This is claimed to the newspaper The New York Times (you move to another service) and the news site The Interceptin (you move to another service) obtained in the Iranian intelligence ministry documents.

Released a report that it had received 700-page dossier to remain anonymous data leak and they checked its authenticity. The leak had not agreed to meet suppliers, but had said that he wanted “the world to know how Iran works” in his country in Iraq.

The New York Times said the documents reveal the determination with which Iran has sought to penetrate into the Iraqi politics – part of the Us influence at the expense of.

in Iraq in recent weeks have been large-scale demonstrations the government and iran’s growing influence against. Demonstrations has killed more than 330 people.

Former prime minister of Iran-links

The New York Times and The Interceptin on Monday published by the iranians in the document are mainly from the years 2014 and 2015.

among Them is one, according to which the current prime minister Abdul-Might had a “special relationship” with Iran, when he served as oil minister in 2014.

according to the documents, also the former government Haider al-abadi have and Ibrahim al-someone as evil as jafar as well as the former president of parliament Salim al-Jabourilla is a close Iranian connections.

iran’s president Hassan Ruhani (right) visited Baghdad in the spring. Him hosted by the Iraqi kurditaustaista of the president Barham Salih.Ahmed Jalil / EPA

Iran-access not clear from the documents in more detail. For example, Abdul-Mahdi is known to have made close cooperation with Iran, when he lived in exile Saddam Hussein power.

The New York times was sued by the us according to sources, the record does not mean that iraqi leaders would have worked in Iran in the service. But most likely, the prime minister is now in Iran with the blessing.

in Iraq, Saddam hussein’s overthrow after the system established the prime minister is selected the majority of the population representative of the shiiamuslimi, when the president and the president of the parliament of the tasks is left to other ethnic groups.

When Abdul-Mahdi was elected prime minister in 2018, he was considered a compromise candidate, which can as well as shiite to Iran that the united states.

Spies exchanged camp

according to the documents Iran had recruited plenty of new iraqi spies in U.s. troops after the withdrawal in 2011.

The New York Times reports that the central intelligence agency left the long-time iraqi spy in practice “on the streets and unemployed.”

short of Money, many began to offer my services to Iran. And they have a problem tell Iran their knowledge of the CIA operations in Iraq in exchange for proper compensation.

for Example, one ex-CIA spy who was also very concerned about their own safety of the american forces after the departure of the – promised documents according to sell Iran everything know. The shops were not only the other iraqi spy whose names also the meeting place used as a hotel, safe house locations, as well as spy training details.

in the Second case, where the documents say, the Iraqi military intelligence officers took the Iranian intelligence ministry with the message of his superior Iraqi military intelligence director Hatem al-payment from the Iraqi ministry of defence.

“we Are at your service. All of iraq’s military intelligence is at your disposal,” the message I heard.

Iran promised documents, according to information from the United states to Iraq from creating, mobile phones for the interception system.

the united states siding

the united states has not taken a position on Iraq last week’s protests very strongly. In its opinions, the united states has condemned the demonstrators for the violence, but has not taken any diplomatic action to resolve the situation.

the News agency AFP sued by a high-ranking iraqi source says that the situation is a manifestation of U.s. influence in the deterioration in Iraq.

Before the united states would have acted much more openly, told AFP an anonymous source.

after they invaded Iraq in 2003, and bounced off after Saddam Hussein, the united states virtually broke up the Iraqi state and rebuild it again. It sent the country into tens of thousands of soldiers, working in close cooperation with the new leaders and was involved in the creation of new legislation.

in Recent years the united states has helped Iraq beat extremist organisation Isis. It has also been closely involved for example in 2018 after the parliamentary elections in government formation. Now, however, seems to kirvonneen.

the president Donald Trump managing to irritate the prime minister, Abdul-Mahdi’s close relations with Iran, told AFP:no source U.s. department of state. An anonymous source said the united states would like to Abdul-Mahdi to take Iran more distance.

the U.s. influence is not likely to increase at least the fact that the country’s embassy in Baghdad is currently almost empty. The embassy was ordered to evacuate in the spring, when the United states and Iran tightened.

Sources: AP, AFP

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