In the impeachment proceedings against U.S. President Donald Trump the Democrats step up a gear. After last week, three witnesses testified publicly before the Committee of the house of representatives, there are now eight names on the program for the next three days. Including current or former diplomats, political advisors and employees of intelligence services are.

Three of the eight were from the Republicans on the list, you should relieve Trump. The others are already ahead of their public statement in the Twitter firing line of the US President. About Jennifer Williams, an adviser to Vice-President Mike Pence, who is responsible for European and Russian Affairs. Williams had overheard the phone call between Trump and the President of Ukraine Volodimir Selenski – the conversation which led to the Ukraine affair and the impeachment proceedings.

Williams called the phone call in front of the intelligence Committee already is “unusual” and “inappropriate”, as the Transcript of her interview shows. Now you will be the next to witness public information, on Tuesday morning in Washington (15 p.m. CET). Trump has attacked it on Sunday on Twitter and called it a “Never Trumper”, so a Person who is not with the policy of the President agree.

A spokeswoman for the Vice-President, Pence responded to requests from the US media about this Tweet, only with the Statement that “Jennifer was a staff member of the Ministry of foreign Affairs”.

the Tweet could in the indictment

Trump had come during the hearing of the Ex-Ambassador in the Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, with a Tweet causing a stir. While the diplomat testified, wrote to the US President: “Everywhere, where Marie Yovanovitch went, the situation has deteriorated. She was first in Somalia, as the came out? And also in the Ukraine, where the new President has talked in the second telephone conversation bad about you.”

trump’s Tweet was displayed during the hearing, and the Challenged was directly asked.

trump’s Tweet was read aloud during the hearing. Yovanovitch described the words as “very intimidating”. You don’t know what the President intended, but the effect on you is intimidating. The democratic Chairman Adam Schiff called Trumps words as “witness intimidation, in real time,” and made it clear that you’ll take the “very, very seriously”.

on the Republican side of the Tweet was not received well, even Impeachment-opponents called it “ill-considered” and “harmful”. For the magazine “the Atlantic” could turn the Democrats the President from such witness intimidation at all, a further jumper in the impeachment proceedings and in the prosecution process.

Video: reaction to trump’s tweets ship faced Ex-Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. Video: AP

For the democratic opposition leader, Nancy Pelosi Trump has already done so to many errors, as you said in an Interview with TV channel CBS. The President was overwhelmed with his office, which is why he wanted other reduce down, in order not to be as the impostor unmasked.

For it is already crossed in front of the second hearing week of bow: What did Trump, is much worse than what did Richard Nixon the President who resigned because of the Watergate affair under the pressure of an Impeachment process. Nixon had cared at least enough for the country to recognize that it could not go on like this, said Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi is advising Donald Trump in a TV interview to the resignation, for the benefit of the Nation. Image: CBS

The Democrat, called on Trump to appear instead of the Tweets themselves, a statement or be submitted in writing. You are not anticipating any but himself.

Three days, eight witnesses

for Sure is that on Tuesday with Alexander he received his (15 p.m. CET), and Timothy Morrison (from 20:30 CET), two experts of the National security Council statements, which have overheard the phone conversation between Trump and Selenski (read here, why the U.S. President can take to his hatchet man to leave). Morrison was set by the Republicans on the witness list, along with Kurt Volker, a former special envoy in the Ukraine, which is also due to testify on Tuesday afternoon.

On Wednesday, three witnesses are precharged, the Democrats could hope for, especially from the US Ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, incriminating statements (15 p.m. CET). He spoke directly with Trump, including the day before the Ukraine-phone call. Of Sondland, the Democrats are also hoping for new Material in the complicated affair (read here how Sondland Trumps Slapstick-enriched presidency).

Gordon Sondlands statement on Wednesday morning (afternoon CET) is expected with voltage. Picture: Reuters

in The afternoon, Laura Cooper and David Hale in the series (starting at 20:30 CET), the Latter is the third Name of the ship on the wish list of the Republicans for making a statement. Trumps party also wanted to muster the Whistleblower, or Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, this is the Democrat, but she refused. Alexandra Chalupa and Nellie’s ear will not appear, you should have to be a Republican conspiracy theories about a Ukrainian election campaign intervention in favor of Hillary Clinton in 2016 statements.

On Thursday (15 p.m. CET), will be consulted with Fiona Hill is expected to be the last witness of the intelligence Committee. You should tell them that even the then national security adviser John Bolton was alerted to the Ukraine-call deeply.

The method in 108 seconds explains the Impeachment runs. Video: Adrian Panholzer, Sarah Sbalchiero

Then the Impeachment is not completed, the process in the house of representatives but a long time ago. Next, the Committee will receive a report on the Impeachment process and its own hold hearings. It is expected that the house of representatives will vote on it before the end of the year about a possible Impeachment.

If the impeachment is approved, shifting to Happen in 2020 in the Senate, which must then decide in a separate procedure whether the allegations against Trump rich, in order to remove him from office. Two-thirds would have to agree to it, so 20 Republican senators.

9 out of 10 Republicans for Trump

Public pressure Trumps party experienced in the procedure, but still. 46.5 percent of Americans are in favour of an Impeachment, as from various polls close. 45 percent are against it.

but Even more important: While in the case of the Democrats, a clear majority of 81.4% Trump way to have, in the case of the Republicans only 10.7 percent – approval for impeachment is seen over the last few weeks, with both parties declining.

Podcast “USA: decision-2020”

Listen to the latest episode of the podcast “decision-making in 2020” with a United States correspondent, Alan Cassidy and Philip also on Spotify, or on iTunes.

Created: 18.11.2019, 14:07 PM