Is your Comic “Sabrina” is a comment on the Trump Era?
I have long started before Trump it. Me a couple of topics went around in my head. A missing girl. Your friend, the solace with his buddy addiction and with him in a strange home lives. It should also be a book about terrorism and the media. And about grief. I was a little scared, as I realized how much me these things fascinate. You are fuelling the creativity. But you can be in the long run, unhealthy.

That sounds like a more intuitive work.
First of all, I thought that a Graphic Novel is. I wanted to see what happens. It took forty, fifty pages, until it was clear that the ideas carry. And then you get to the Point of no Return and hopes that it will somehow. I had no Plan, but signed just start.

How you have to imagine the concrete work?
I needed about two and a half years and managed two pages per week. First of all, a script is always there. As a piece of theatre. I feel still very insecure, because I was on art Academy, but never teaching the Letter had. Then I count the lines and think about how many images I need, and what they might look like. For an outsider the effect is likely to be, as if some I idle there. I rigid draw it on a white sheet, and it’s only the beginning, if I’ve got it all in his head. I’m pretty mechanically. When the drawing and coloring of “Sabrina” I heard Comedy shows.

Teddy, the boyfriend of the murdered title character, Sabrina, is listening to the Radio a conspiracy theorist. Photo: build-publisher

Especially impressive are the passages in which you give the right-wing conspiracy theories of a fictional radio presenter again.
If somewhere in the world something happened, I always knew the conspiracy theories would be. At a certain point, it is predictable. Everything means something for conspiracy fanatics. I wanted to show the comfort that these theories for the mean, the fear of it have to be at work or at school killed.

Striking realism, the unusual locations of the Comics are drawn is One of the main characters works in a windowless box of an office in an Air Force Base.
I have a friend in Colorado who works there in the Air Force and the inspiration for it was. I visited him for their Research, and photographed a lot. I always work that way. I collect photos. And then the question is, how much you want to reduce, so the story has a Flow. This has nothing to do with art, but with logic. But I doubt always in my decisions.

“During the time of the “Sabrina” I worked as a janitor in a Museum and on to the conveyor-belt.”Comic book author Nick Drnaso

It means that you did not want to publish the book when it was finished.
was I in April 2017 finish, Trump became President, everything was negative, and I thought: it Needs now is not really even a Comic that is so unpleasant? I also had the feeling to be dishonest have been. My book is fiction. Nevertheless, you recognize the allusions to all the massacre in the USA. I wanted to work not in a voyeuristic manner. My publisher understood me and accepted my decision. Then I decided to donate the money to the first edition. This took me some of my feelings of guilt.

The book is not due to the nomination for the Man Booker Prize very much attention. Has changed your Situation? One hears how hard it is to survive as a comic artist.
At the end of this nomination was only the decision of five people. My ambivalent feelings toward the book have not changed as a result. During the time of the “Sabrina” I worked as a janitor in a Museum and on to the conveyor-belt. Due to the success I can now work full time on my new book.

read more about how Nick Drnaso in “Sabrina” the United States is characterized as a psychotic country.

Created: 18.11.2019, 13:48 PM