The Federal office for statistics (BFS) has contributed in a on Monday published investigation of the Situation of the people in the five-year period from 2014 to 2018 analyzed. Annually, have been controlled, on average, 37’700 people from the unemployment insurance.

55 percent of them were in the first year after the gain re-employment. After five years, this proportion had increased to 63 percent. 15 percent had looked for a job, and 22 percent of the would be withdrawn controlled of the labour market.

people between the ages of 45 and 64 years were Overrepresented according to the BFS, the Outsorted. Your share of the controlled amounted to 48 percent, while 41 percent of the unemployed, and 42 percent of the working population. Also, people without vocational training and foreign origin were much more affected by modulation than the average.

Outsorted people that have taken hold in the labour market, according to the BFS more often than the rest of the employees in atypical working conditions. Nine percent of the controlled would work on-demand, four percent by a placement office gives and get paid. In the case of the employees amounted to these shares for five or a percent.

More part-time jobs for Outsorted

While the employees have in total, had a 91 percent have a permanent contract of employment, be it in the case of the previously Actuated only 86 percent. 27 percent of the operated men had worked part-time, while the proportion of male workforce overall, only 15 per cent accounted for. Also in the case of women this difference showed according to the BFS significantly.

to make Good one half of the workers, who worked according to a modulation part-time, apply in accordance with BFS as the under-employed: you want to workload, higher work and be within three months of the available. In the case of the part-time workforce without level this percentage was only one-fifth.

Finally, people who were driven even lower wages, such as from the BFS survey shows. While the media hourly wage gross for employees have to be 36,10 francs, spent it at the Outsorted be back in the workforce, at 28 francs.

In the case of executives, the pay gap between the workers overall, with 54,90 franc against 41,20 francs in the case of employees pronounced after modulation is particularly strong. Lower the wages are, by contrast, differences in the case of ancillary workers.

The loud people on the meadows, according to the FSO, regardless of the age and a poorer state of health than the working population. Approximately one out of ten loud people between 45 and 64 years of age, a stage of their own health as bad to very bad, compare with two percent of the working population.

Situation of the controlled persons: a Link to the study (amc/sda)

Created: 18.11.2019, 12:41 PM