Leading a team to success isn’t easy. Everyone relies on your leadership ability and looks to you for guidance. You have to prove your worth and keep everyone feeling optimistic.

When you try to lead a startup, you have to secure funding first. Even if you have great ideas, they will go to waste if you don’t have money to run the business. Therefore, impressing potential investors is necessary.

The problem is that these are accomplished and successful people. Presenting your plan in front of them might be intimidating. These are some tips to help you overcome that feeling and impress them.

Prepare what to wear

The investors aren’t only judging your ideas. They will also judge your appearance. They want to know that they’re talking to someone who is taking the role seriously. When you choose clothes like it’s just a normal day, you won’t impress anyone. If possible, wear a bespoke suit. It might cost a lot, but it’s a good investment. You’re trying to secure funding, and what you’re getting is more than enough for you to afford more suits in the future.

These people will be your colleagues

Stop thinking that you’re presenting to potential investors. Instead, think of them as your future colleagues. When they decide to invest in your business, they will be a part of the team. You have to look at them in that light, to help you relax. Yes, they’re still worth emulating and looking up to, but you can’t have that mindset at this point.

Believe in your ideas

When you know what you’re pitching, and you’re confident about it, you won’t feel intimidated anymore. You know that the investors will like what you have to say. Besides, it will be their loss if they decide to pass on the opportunity to invest in you. At the beginning of your presentation, you know that no one else believes in you. The goal is to end the conversation leaving everyone stunned in a positive way.

Keep practising

You will feel less intimidated when you keep practising. Talk in front of your friends or within your small team. Listen to feedback and take questions. You need to get used to this environment until you don’t feel nervous anymore.

Look the investors in the eyes

You might hear public speakers telling you to look at a blank space instead of the crowd if you want to feel confident. The truth is that you want to sound sincere when you’re talking. Therefore, you need to look at every person in the room in the eyes while you speak. Their reactions might be disturbing, but you have to ignore it. Your goal is to show how sincere you are and that you believe in your ideas.

You might not be successful on your first pitch, but it’s okay. You can always improve and hope for better results next time. Eventually, you will feel comfortable and not intimidated anymore.

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/UiVe5QvOhao