Everywhere the interest rates are falling, only the health insurance companies are still quickly. A survey among major Swiss funds shows that most of them provide 1 or 2 percent discount on the premium if paid in advance, so by the end of December of the previous year. The can lead to per Person fast to a Savings of 100 Swiss francs.

Surprisingly, the low interest rate situation has changed nothing to the discounts: three years Ago, the cash discounts granted exactly the same price, as the comparison with the former survey of this newspaper for the insurers, shows.

Only two of the major Swiss funds do not want to set incentives for pre-payment: the Valais Groupe Mutuel, with its subsidiary funds, as well as the Lucerne-Concordia. Concordia spokeswoman Astrid Brändlin writes: “It would be in solidarity questionable, Insured, can afford the advance payment to grant a discount, which is financed by the others who can not afford the advance payment.” It also refers to the current negative interest rate environment in which it does not make sense to pay interest on advance payments.

The government is penny-pinching

The Concordia’s spokesperson also points out that many of the cantonal tax offices have eliminated the cash discount deductions. In fact, the Treasury is significantly less generous than most health insurance companies. The Canton of Berne, for example, granted once 1 percent of the Compensation rate for pre-paid taxes. Three years ago, the interest has been deleted with reference to the interest rate environment. The taxes must still be paid in advance – however, with a zero interest rate. The Federal government has abolished the discount for advance tax payments. A little more generous in the Canton of Zurich, which currently provides a 0.25 per cent interest on prematurely paid taxes yet.

That the Confederation and the cantons provide no or hardly any more interest, has its reason: Currently, you can procure money on the capital market to Zero or even negative interest rates. Interest must pay for the public sector only for loans with long maturities.

Popular marketing medium

For the health insurance were pre-paid premiums earlier welcome liquidity – but today, insurers are run like other companies are in danger of negative interest rates to pay for, if too much funds are available. The discount discounts you maintain for the time being anyway, because you save with the advance payment of administrative costs, and possible debt collection – and probably also because of the advance payment discount is a convenient marketing tool.

Created: 15.11.2019, 20:40 PM