WASHINGTON the united states and the europeans have different views about where and how Turkey detained by Isis fighters should be condemned. This was evident in Us secretary of state Mike Pompeon led by isis against the coalition meeting.

the Alliance met for the first time after the president Donald Trump last month, told reporters the withdrawal of Us forces from Syria and Turkey attacked Syria koilliosassa.

–the General view among europeans is that the foreign fighters should get a sentence as close as possible to the area where the crimes were committed. This may have different views. The u.s. believes fighters should recover quickly from these regions, who attended the meeting, the foreign minister of Pekka Haavisto (greens) said.

the Meeting was attended by the foreign ministers of 29 countries. Finland was included for the first time. The call came, since Finland’s EU presidency.

fighters will be shifted to Africa and Afghanistan

Turkey told me last week would be returned to 250 Isis fighters arrest their persons to these countries of origin. Among them is not Finnish.

instead, it is Haavisto, no certainty whether in Turkish prisons languishing for at least 1500 arrest among Finnish citizens.

at Least it hasn’t been the kind of information that would, Haavisto said.

Finland seeks Haavisto, according to continue to participate in isis’s anti-coalition activities. Much work to do. Isis fighters and the organization’s supporters have recently shifted to Syria and Iraq somewhere else.

–obviously, Western and Northern Africa, the Sahel region and Afghanistan to some extent. When I visited last time in Afghanistan the Taliban said he was concerned about its young people, radicalised again. I was wondering what is it, if the Taliban is such is concerned? They said, that the Isis movement is using campuses mental battle for young souls, Haavisto says.


Turkey said that it had started the Isis-fighters returns

the Turkish interior ministry, a representative of Yle: Returned among them is not Finnish Isis prisoners

the Turkish threat to send vangitsemiaan Isis fighters to their home countries

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